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Friends' discussions of interpersonal and noninterpersonal problems during early and middle adolescence: Associations with co-rumination.
Developmental Psychology ( IF 4.497 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-01 , DOI: 10.1037/dev0001445
Amanda J Rose 1 , Rhiannon L Smith 2 , Rebecca A Schwartz-Mette 2 , Gary C Glick 2

Friendships are important sources of support during adolescence. However, a growing literature indicates some adolescents co-ruminate, or talk with friends about problems in a way that is excessive, speculative, and negatively focused, which confers risk for internalizing problems. Still, previous research had not examined the types of problems co-ruminators discuss. Using self-reported co-rumination and observations of friends' conversations about problems, the present study of early and middle adolescents addressed this gap. Participants (N = 628) were approximately half female (52% of the sample) and primarily European American and African American (63% and 29% of the sample, respectively). Adolescents who reported greater co-rumination spent more time discussing interpersonal problems with friends, including problems with families, peers, and romantic interests. Interpersonal problems may lend themselves to co-rumination because they can be ambiguous, multifaceted, and difficult to resolve. In contrast, co-rumination was not related spending more time discussing noninterpersonal problems. In addition, middle adolescents were observed to spend more time than early adolescents discussing problems related to developmentally salient tasks (e.g., romantic relationships, academics), and girls spent more time than boys discussing interpersonal problems. Taken together, the findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of co-rumination. Moreover, the study has applied implications in that findings suggest that adolescents experiencing interpersonal problems may be at elevated risk of co-ruminating. In addition to steering these adolescents away from co-rumination, fostering better problem-solving skills for interpersonal problems may lead to the resolution of these problems before they become topics of co-rumination. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).



友谊是青春期重要的支持来源。然而,越来越多的文献表明,一些青少年以过度、投机和消极的方式与朋友共同思考或谈论问题,这会带来将问题内化的风险。尽管如此,之前的研究并未检查共同反省者讨论的问题类型。通过自我报告的共同反省和对朋友关于问题的谈话的观察,目前对早期和中期青少年的研究解决了这一差距。参与者 (N = 628) 大约有一半是女性(占样本的 52%),主要是欧洲裔美国人和非裔美国人(分别占样本的 63% 和 29%)。报告更多共同反省的青少年花更多时间与朋友讨论人际关系问题,包括与家人、同龄人、和浪漫的兴趣。人际关系问题可能有助于共同反思,因为它们可能模棱两可、多方面且难以解决。相比之下,共同反省与花费更多时间讨论非人际关系问题无关。此外,观察到中期青少年比早期青少年花更多时间讨论与发展重要任务(例如,恋爱关系、学业)相关的问题,女孩比男孩花更多时间讨论人际关系问题。总而言之,这些发现有助于更全面地理解共同反刍。此外,该研究的应用意义在于,研究结果表明,经历人际关系问题的青少年可能面临更高的共同反刍风险。除了引导这些青少年远离共同反刍,培养更好的解决人际关系问题的能力可能会在这些问题成为共同思考的话题之前解决这些问题。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2022 APA,保留所有权利)。