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Entrepreneurial ecosystems and industry knowledge: does the winning region take all?
Small Business Economics ( IF 7.096 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11187-022-00681-y
Yating Li , Martin Kenney , Donald Patton , Abraham Song

Entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE) are composed not only of startups but also the organizations that support them. Theory has been ambivalent about whether an EE is spatially bounded or includes distant organizations. This exploratory study uses a time series of all Internet industry initial public offerings (IPO) to explore the locational changes not only of startups but also four key EE service providers: lawyers, investment bankers, venture capitalists, and board directors. We find that while the startups became only slightly more concentrated, the EE service providers concentrated more rapidly, as an industry center in Silicon Valley emerged. Our results suggest that over the industry life cycle, industry knowledge exhibits a tendency to spatially concentrate, and this results in a concentration of industry-specific EE service providers that is even greater than the more gradual concentration of startups. As a result, startups, wherever they are located, increasingly source EE services from the industrial knowledge concentration.



创业生态系统 (EE) 不仅由初创公司组成,还包括支持它们的组织。关于 EE 是空间有界的还是包含遥远的组织,理论一直是矛盾的。这项探索性研究使用所有互联网行业首次公开募股 (IPO) 的时间序列来探索初创公司以及四个关键 EE 服务提供商的位置变化:律师、投资银行家、风险投资家和董事会董事。我们发现,虽然初创公司只是稍微集中了一点,但随着硅谷的一个行业中心的出现,EE 服务提供商的集中度更快。我们的研究结果表明,在整个行业生命周期中,行业知识呈现出空间集中的趋势,这导致特定行业的 EE 服务提供商的集中度甚至超过了初创公司的逐渐集中度。因此,无论位于何处,初创公司都越来越多地从工业知识集中获取 EE 服务。
