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Modern-day hoarding: A model for understanding and measuring digital hoarding
Information & Management ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2022.103700
Darshana Sedera , Sachithra Lokuge , Varun Grover

With the cost of data storage approaching near zero, an individual can acquire, share, and store digital content (i.e., emails, images, videos, and documents) more than ever before. This behavior is exacerbated by the availability, affordability, and usability of modern technological devices like smart mobile phones, wearables, the rapid proliferation of social media and communication apps, and the intensification of digitized business and/or personal interactions. As a result, there is an increased propensity to acquire and accumulate substantial amounts of digital content. Employing the theoretical foundations of the attachment theory and the hoarding disorder, this study argues that the characteristics such as difficulty of discarding digital content, digital clutter, and frequent excessive acquisition of digital content demonstrate the signs of digital hoarding. By conducting a survey using 846 respondents and conducting a multigroup analysis, this study provides confirmatory evidence on digital hoarding and its association to anxiety. As such, this study contributes to the dark side of technology use and introduces a new concept called digital hoarding to information systems research.



随着数据存储成本接近于零,个人可以比以往更多地获取、共享和存储数字内容(即电子邮件、图像、视频和文档)。这种行为因智能手机、可穿戴设备等现代技术设备的可用性、可负担性和可用性、社交媒体和通信应用程序的迅速普及以及数字化业务和/或个人互动的加强而加剧。结果,获取和积累大量数字内容的倾向增加。本研究运用依恋理论和囤积障碍的理论基础,认为数字内容难以丢弃、数字杂乱、数字囤积。通过对 846 名受访者进行调查并进行多组分析,本研究为数字囤积及其与焦虑的关联提供了确证证据。因此,这项研究有助于技术使用的阴暗面,并将一种称为数字囤积的新概念引入信息系统研究。
