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Location of the ovaries in children and efficacy of gonadal shielding in hip and pelvis radiography
Journal of Orthopaedic Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jos.2022.07.012
Azusa Yoneda 1 , Hiromasa Fujii 1 , Yasuhito Tanaka 1


Patients with hip disorders undergo multiple radiographic examinations, so gonadal radiation risk should be minimized. Inaccurate shield placement, including obscuring landmarks, has been widely reported, and some studies reported that covering the true pelvis was inappropriate to shield young girls’ ovaries. However, no reports on ovaries in Asian patients identified on magnetic resonance imaging exist. We aimed to identify the location of the ovaries in Japanese children and assess the efficacy of gonadal shielding.


Female patients aged ≤16 years who underwent magnetic resonance imaging for hip disorders that displayed at least one ovary were included. Sixty ovaries from 31 patients were classified into two age groups: <2 years and >2 years, and the ovaries' position was classified according to the following four zones on the anteroposterior pelvic radiograph: zone 1 (true pelvis) — area surrounded by the line of the anterior superior iliac spines, inner side walls of the ilium, and symphysis pubis; zone 2 — areas lateral to zone 1; zone 3 — sacral area superior to zone 1; and zone 4 — areas lateral to zone 3. The ovaries’ position was analyzed according to age group.


Thirty-one ovaries in 16 patients were <2 years, and 29 ovaries in 15 patients were >2 years. Thirteen ovaries in the true pelvis, 18 ovaries in the false pelvis were <2 years, and 27 in the true pelvis and 2 in the false pelvis were in >2 years. In girls aged <2 years, most ovaries in the false pelvis were located in zone 3.


Girls aged >2 years mostly have their ovaries in the true pelvis, and ovaries in infants tend to be located superior to the true pelvis. Covering the true pelvis is plausible for shielding ovaries. Shields should be placed slightly more cranially than the true pelvis for infants.






年龄≤16岁、因髋部疾病接受磁共振成像且至少显示一个卵巢的女性患者被纳入研究。31 名患者的 60 个卵巢被分为两个年龄组:<2 岁和 >2 岁,卵巢位置根据骨盆前后位片上的以下四个区域进行分类: 区域 1(真骨盆)——被骨盆包围的区域髂前上棘、髂骨内侧壁和耻骨联合线;区域 2——区域 1 的侧面区域;区域 3 — 高于区域 1 的骶骨区域;区域 4 — 区域 3 的侧面区域。根据年龄组分析卵巢的位置。


16 名患者的 31 个卵巢<2 年,15 名患者的 29 个卵巢>2 年。真骨盆中有13个卵巢,假骨盆中有18个卵巢<2岁,真骨盆有27个,假骨盆有2个>2岁。在<2岁的女孩中,大多数假骨盆中的卵巢位于3区。


