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Snapshot of a magnetohydrodynamic disk wind traced by water maser observations
Nature Astronomy ( IF 14.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-11 , DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01754-4
Luca Moscadelli , Alberto Sanna , Henrik Beuther , André Oliva , Rolf Kuiper

The formation of astrophysical objects of different nature, from black holes to gaseous giant planets, involves a disk–jet system, where the disk drives the mass accretion onto a central compact object and the jet is a fast collimated ejection along the disk rotation axis. Magnetohydrodynamic disk winds can provide the link between mass accretion and ejection, which is essential to ensure that the excess angular momentum is removed and accretion can proceed. However, until now, we have been lacking direct observational proof of disk winds. Here we present a direct view of the velocity field of a disk wind around a forming massive star. Achieving a very high spatial resolution of about 0.05 au, our water maser observations trace the velocities of individual streamlines emerging from the disk orbiting the forming star. We find that, at low elevation above the disk midplane, the flow co-rotates with its launch point in the disk, in agreement with magneto-centrifugal acceleration. Beyond the co-rotation point, the flow rises spiralling around the disk rotation axis along a helical magnetic field. We have performed (resistive-radiative-gravito-)magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the formation of a massive star and record the development of a magneto-centrifugally launched jet presenting many properties in agreement with our observations.



从黑洞到气态巨行星,从黑洞到气态巨行星等不同性质的天体物理天体的形成都涉及一个圆盘喷射系统,其中圆盘将质量吸积物驱动到一个中心致密物体上,而喷射是沿着圆盘旋转轴的快速准直喷射。磁流体动力盘风可以提供质量吸积和抛射之间的联系,这对于确保去除多余的角动量并继续吸积至关重要。然而,直到现在,我们一直缺乏对盘风的直接观测证据。在这里,我们展示了围绕正在形成的大质量恒星的盘风速度场的直接视图。我们的水脉泽观测达到了大约 0.05 au 的非常高的空间分辨率,追踪了从围绕正在形成的恒星运行的圆盘中出现的各个流线的速度。我们发现,在圆盘中平面上方的低海拔处,流动与其在圆盘中的发射点共同旋转,这与磁离心加速度一致。在同转点之外,流动沿着螺旋磁场围绕盘旋转轴螺旋上升。我们已经对大质量恒星的形成进行了(电阻辐射引力)磁流体动力学模拟,并记录了磁离心发射射流的发展,该射流呈现出与我们的观察一致的许多特性。
