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The combined cartilage growth – calcification patterns in the wing-fins of Rajidae (Chondrichthyes): A divergent model from endochondral ossification of tetrapods
Microscopy Research and Technique ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-03 , DOI: 10.1002/jemt.24217
Ugo E Pazzaglia 1, 2 , Marcella Reguzzoni 2 , Renata Manconi 3 , Piero Antonio Zecca 2 , Guido Zarattini 1 , Monica Campagnolo 4 , Mario Raspanti 2

The relationship between cartilage growth – mineralization patterns were studied in adult Rajidae with X-ray morphology/morphometry, undecalcified resin-embedded, heat-deproteinated histology and scanning electron microscopy. Morphometry of the wing-fins, nine central rays of the youngest and oldest specimens documented a significant decrement of radials mean length between inner, middle and outer zones, but without a regular progression along the ray. This suggests that single radial length growth is regulated in such a way to align inter-radial joints parallel to the wing metapterygia curvature. Trans-illumination and heat-deproteination techniques showed polygonal and cylindrical morphotypes of tesserae, whose aligned pattern ranged from mono-columnar, bi-columnar, and multi-columnar up to the crustal-like layout. Histology of tessellated cartilage allowed to identify of zones of the incoming mineral deposition characterized by enhanced duplication rate of chondrocytes with the formation of isogenic groups, whose morphology and topography suggested a relationship with the impending formation of the radials calcified column. The morphotype and layout of radial tesserae were related to mechanical demands (stiffening) and the size/mass of the radial cartilage body. The cartilage calcification pattern of the batoids model shares several morphological features with tetrapods' endochondral ossification, that is, (chondrocytes' high duplication rate, alignment in rows, increased volume of chondrocyte lacunae), but without the typical geometry of the metaphyseal growth plates.



通过 X 射线形态学/形态学、未脱钙树脂包埋、热脱蛋白组织学和扫描电子显微镜研究成年 Rajidae 软骨生长与矿化模式之间的关系。翼鳍的形态学,最年轻和最古老标本的九条中央射线记录了内部、中间和外部区域之间的径向平均长度显着减少,但没有沿射线的规则进展。这表明单个径向长度的增长是以这样一种方式进行调节的,即使桡骨间关节平行于翼状翼状胬肉曲率对齐。透射照明和热脱蛋白技术显示了多边形和圆柱形镶嵌物的形态类型,其排列图案从单柱状、双柱状和多柱状到地壳状布局不等。镶嵌软骨的组织学允许识别进入的矿物沉积区域,其特征是软骨细胞的复制率随着等基因组的形成而增加,其形态和地形表明与即将形成的放射状钙化柱有关。桡骨小块的形态和布局与机械要求(硬化)和桡骨软骨体的大小/质量有关。batoids 模型的软骨钙化模式与四足动物的软骨内骨化有几个形态学特征,即(软骨细胞的高复制率、排列成行、软骨细胞腔隙体积增加),但没有干骺端生长板的典型几何形状。