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Helping nurses shift from the great resignation to the great reimagination
Journal of Advanced Nursing ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-31 , DOI: 10.1111/jan.15403
Lorelli Nowell 1


Historically, nursing was described as ‘a calling profession’ where those entering the profession were passionate about becoming nurses, had a strong desire to serve others and aspired to engage in nursing practice centred around meaningful work. Whilst many may feel called to nursing, a recent study highlighted how nurse's calling to the profession can change over time (Kallio et al., 2022). COVID-19 has presented the nursing profession with one of the greatest challenges in recent history in that nurses were faced with heretofore unknown experiences such as having many patients for whom they cared die during one work shift. It is therefore not surprising that many nurses may be experiencing a lack of passion for the profession, a decreased desire to serve others and waning sense of engagement in meaningful work, with some left questioning their motivation and the personal costs of remaining committed to the profession. In fact, a recent policy brief from the International Council of Nurses (ICN) highlighted that 90% of National Nurses Associations are increasingly concerned that heavy workloads, burnout and stress related to the pandemic are driving increased numbers of nurses to leave the profession (2021). A recently conducted integrative review of 43 studies on nurse turnover pre- and post-COVID-19 suggested that nurses' turnover intention increased significantly after the COVID-19 pandemic (Falatah, 2021). With the burden caused by COVID-19 inspiring many professionals to change careers in search of work that holds greater meaning, it is imperative the nursing profession remains both meaningful and attractive for those currently in the profession and those looking to nursing as a professional career choice.

At a health systems level, the existing nursing shortages, ageing workforce and challenges of the pandemic have created an estimated need of up to 13 million nurses to meet the global demand (International Council of Nurses Policy Brief, 2021). As nurses emerge from the pandemic, health systems globally face the challenge of a nursing workforce troubled by discontentment and disillusionment (Park et al., 2020). At both an individual and system level, more can be done to support nurses to reflect on meaningful work, engage in professional learning and development and develop and participate in mentorship to help nurses reimagine their nursing career rather than resign from the profession to which they were called.



1 简介

从历史上看,护理被描述为“一种呼唤职业”,进入该行业的人对成为护士充满热情,强烈渴望为他人服务,并渴望从事以有意义的工作为中心的护理实践。虽然许多人可能会觉得需要护理,但最近的一项研究强调了护士对专业的呼唤如何随着时间的推移而改变(Kallio 等人,  2022)。COVID-19 给护理行业带来了近代史上最大的挑战之一,因为护士面临着迄今为止未知的经历,例如他们所照顾的许多患者在一次轮班中死亡。因此,许多护士可能对这个职业缺乏热情、为他人服务的愿望下降和从事有意义工作的意识减弱,这并不奇怪,一些左派质疑他们的动机和继续致力于这个职业的个人成本. 事实上,国际护士理事会 (ICN) 最近的一份政策简报强调,90% 的国家护士协会越来越担心与大流行相关的繁重工作量、倦怠和压力正在推动越来越多的护士离职(2021 )。 2021 年)。由于 COVID-19 造成的负担激励许多专业人士改变职业以寻找更有意义的工作,因此护理专业对于目前从事该行业的人以及那些希望将护理作为职业选择的人来说,必须保持有意义和吸引力.

在卫生系统层面,现有的护理短缺、劳动力老龄化和大流行带来的挑战估计需要多达 1300 万护士来满足全球需求(国际护士理事会政策简报,  2021 年)。随着护士从大流行中走出来,全球卫生系统都面临着护理人员因不满和幻想破灭而困扰的挑战(Park 等人,  2020 年)。在个人和系统层面,可以做更多的工作来支持护士反思有意义的工作,参与专业学习和发展,发展和参与指导,以帮助护士重新构想他们的护理职业,而不是辞去原来的职业叫。
