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Do psychosocial treatment outcomes vary by race or ethnicity? A review of meta-analyses
Clinical Psychology Review ( IF 12.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102192
Jesse R Cougle 1 , Anouk L Grubaugh 2

The past two decades have seen an increase in the number of psychotherapy clinical trials that were adequately powered to compare clinical outcomes across different racial and ethnic groups. Reviews have concluded that outcomes are generally equivalent, though there is still widespread skepticism of how these therapies perform in diverse populations. The current study reviewed 23 meta-analyses that considered race/ethnicity as a predictor of treatment outcome in psychotherapies across a range of psychiatric disorders. In general, these reviews did not find differences in outcomes between ethnic/racial minorities relative to White participants. Cumulative evidence of no race/ethnic differences in reported outcomes was strong for some disorders (e.g., depression, PTSD), though data were lacking or insufficient for other mental health conditions (e.g., borderline personality disorder, eating disorders). We also identified several gaps in the literature that provide directions for future research to better understand racial-ethnic differences in psychotherapy outcomes.



在过去的二十年中,心理治疗临床试验的数量有所增加,这些试验足以比较不同种族和民族的临床结果。评论得出的结论是,结果通常是相同的,尽管人们仍然普遍怀疑这些疗法在不同人群中的表现。目前的研究回顾了 23 项荟萃分析,这些荟萃分析将种族/民族视为一系列精神疾病的心理治疗治疗结果的预测因素。一般来说,这些审查没有发现少数民族/种族与白人参与者之间的结果差异。对于某些疾病(例如抑郁症、创伤后应激障碍),报告结果中没有种族/民族差异的累积证据是强有力的,但对于其他心理健康状况(例如 ,边缘性人格障碍,饮食失调)。我们还发现了文献中的几个空白,这些空白为未来的研究提供了方向,以更好地了解心理治疗结果的种族差异。
