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Municipal smoke-free laws and preterm birth
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.07.058
Kristin B Ashford 1 , Lisa M Blair 1 , Andrea K McCubbin 1 , Amanda T Wiggins 2 , Mary Kay Rayens 2 , Ellen J Hahn 2


Smoking during pregnancy and prenatal secondhand smoke exposure increase the risk of preterm birth. As Kentucky has the second highest rate of smoking in the United States and no statewide smoke-free law, an examination of the effect of municipal smoke-free legislation on preterm birth is warranted.


This study used state-level live birth data and county-level municipal smoke-free legislation status to assess the association between the presence and strength of smoke-free laws and the likelihood of preterm birth. Moreover, this study hypothesized that pregnant persons living in counties with comprehensive municipal smoke-free laws prohibiting smoking inside all workplaces and enclosed public places would exhibit a lower likelihood of preterm birth than those living in counties with weak or moderate laws (ie, smoke-free laws with exemptions that do not cover all workplaces and enclosed public places) or no smoke-free law.

Study Design

Using live birth data from the Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics with birth years ranging from 2004 to 2020, a total of 894,372 live births were recorded that indicated that a childbearing person was between the ages of 18 and 49 years and a resident of Kentucky; these live births formed the sample for the study. Municipal ordinances implemented during a given calendar year were coded in the model as present starting with the following calendar year, as the birth records were time deidentified except for the year of birth. This lagged law convention maximized the likelihood that pregnant persons included in the study were exposed to the smoke-free policy for at least a portion of their pregnancy. Multilevel logistic regression was used to assess the effect of smoke-free ordinances on the likelihood of preterm birth, with personal- and county-level variables included as potential covariates and pregnant persons nested within the county of residence. Data analysis was conducted using SAS (version 9.4; SAS Institute, Cary, NC), with an alpha level of .05.


Nearly all personal-level variables were associated with preterm birth status. Personal factors associated with an increased likelihood of preterm birth included being older (relative to 18–24 years old; odds ratios [95% confidence intervals]: 1.02 [1.01–1.04] and 1.27 [1.24–1.31] for ages 25–34 and 35–49 years, respectively); having a history of preterm birth (odds ratio, 4.65; 95% confidence interval, 4.53–4.78); and smoking before pregnancy (odds ratio, 1.14; 95% confidence interval, 1.12–1.16). Pregnant persons living in counties with comprehensive laws were 9% less likely to have a preterm birth than those living in counties without a smoke-free ordinance (odds ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.89–0.94; P<.001). There was no difference in the likelihood of preterm birth between those living in counties with moderate or weak laws and those unprotected by any smoke-free ordinance in their county of residence.


This study demonstrated that comprehensive municipal smoke-free laws are associated with reduced risk of preterm birth and that moderate or weak smoke-free laws are not. The findings have major implications for public health policy and underscore the potential influence of healthcare providers’ advocacy for strong smoke-free policies, prohibiting smoking in all workplaces (including restaurants, bars, and casinos), to support healthy pregnancies.








使用肯塔基州人口统计办公室的活产数据,出生年份为 2004 年至 2020 年,总共记录了 894,372 名活产婴儿,表明育龄者年龄在 18 岁至 49 岁之间,并且是肯塔基州居民;这些活产婴儿构成了研究的样本。在给定日历年中实施的市政法令在模型中被编码为从下一个日历年开始存在,因为除出生年份外,出生记录均已取消时间识别。这一滞后的法律惯例最大限度地提高了参与研究的孕妇至少在怀孕的一部分时间里接触无烟政策的可能性。使用多级逻辑回归来评估无烟法令对早产可能性的影响,其中个人和县级变量作为潜在协变量以及居住县内的孕妇。使用 SAS(9.4 版;SAS Institute,Cary,NC)进行数据分析,α 水平为 0.05。


几乎所有个人层面的变量都与早产状况相关。与早产可能性增加相关的个人因素包括年龄较大(相对于 18-24 岁;比值比 [95% 置信区间]:25-34 岁为 1.02 [1.01-1.04] 和 1.27 [1.24-1.31],分别为 35-49 岁);有早产史(优势比,4.65;95% 置信区间,4.53–4.78);怀孕前吸烟(比值比,1.14;95% 置信区间,1.12–1.16)。生活在有全面法律的县的孕妇早产的可能性比生活在没有无烟法令的县的孕妇低 9%(比值比,0.91;95% 置信区间,0.89–0.94;P <.001 。居住在法律中等或薄弱县的人与居住县未受任何无烟法令保护的人相比,早产的可能性没有差异。


