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Protecting ecosystem services of urban agriculture against land-use change using market-based instruments. A Polish perspective
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.189 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106296
Justyna Goździewicz-Biechońska , Anna Brzezińska-Rawa

Urban agriculture is the collective name for a wide variety of farming activities that occur within a city’s boundaries or direct sphere of influence. A shared feature of urban agriculture types is that they are spatially limited,. Farming is generally not the primary function in the urban ecosystem; however, its spatial role should not be underestimated. Urban green spaces connected with urban agriculture are widely accepted as a nature-based solution for effectively addressing societal challenges related to urbanization. Competition for land between agricultural and urban land use is addressed mostly by regulatory command-and-control planning approaches. However, there is growing interest in the use of market-based instruments. Agricultural subsidies and legal protection against agricultural land conversion are primarily oriented towards rural areas, so the research regarding market-based instruments for agricultural land uses in cities is undeveloped. In Polish cities, urban agricultural areas comprise about 43.5 % of total urban area, and 7.8 % of individual farms in Poland are urban farms. The specific attitude towards ownership of land in Poland (a strong private-property ideology) influences (restricts) the implementation of market-based instruments. The article aims to present the potential for market-based instruments for urban agriculture and to identify barriers to the implementation of such solutions. The paper analyzes theoretical frameworks and practices for protecting agricultural land use through market-based instruments in Poland. We focus on two types of market-based instruments for ecosystem services of urban agriculture. The first encompasses the existing tools in Polish law and policy. We identified the following market-based instruments protecting urban agriculture: (1) charges and annual fees for excluding land from agricultural production, aimed at preventing agricultural land conversion in cities; and (2) land leasing charge of allotment gardens. We assess those instruments, their strengths and weaknesses and their effectiveness in protecting agricultural land use in cities. The second type are market-based instruments supporting urban agriculture cities that have potential for future implementation, We consider voluntary land readjustment and development agreement (currently very limited) to be the most promising and implementable. In this regard, we formulate de lege ferenda conclusions and recommendations.



城市农业是在城市边界或直接影响范围内发生的各种农业活动的统称。都市农业类型的一个共同特征是它们在空间上是有限的。农业通常不是城市生态系统中的主要功能;然而,不应低估其空间作用。与城市农业相关的城市绿地被广泛认为是一种基于自然的解决方案,可有效应对与城市化相关的社会挑战。农业和城市土地利用之间的土地竞争主要通过监管命令和控制计划方法来解决。然而,人们对使用基于市场的工具越来越感兴趣。农业补贴和农地转用法律保护主要面向农村地区,城市农地利用市场化手段的研究尚不发达。在波兰城市,城市农业区约占城市总面积的 43.5%,波兰 7.8% 的个体农场是城市农场。波兰对土地所有权的具体态度(强烈的私有财产意识形态)影响(限制)市场工具的实施。本文旨在介绍基于市场的城市农业工具的潜力,并确定实施此类解决方案的障碍。本文分析了波兰通过市场工具保护农业土地使用的理论框架和实践。我们专注于城市农业生态系统服务的两种基于市场的工具。第一个包括波兰法律和政策中的现有工具。我们确定了以下以市场为基础的城市农业保护手段: (1) 农业生产排斥土地收费和年费,旨在防止城市农业用地流转;(二)分配花园的土地租赁费。我们评估了这些工具、它们的优势和劣势以及它们在保护城市农业土地使用方面的有效性。第二类是以市场为基础的工具,支持具有未来实施潜力的都市农业城市,我们认为自愿土地调整和开发协议(目前非常有限)是最有希望和可实施的。对此,我们制定法定的结论和建议。
