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Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and intellectual disability among children with hydrocephalus
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-27 , DOI: 10.3171/2022.4.peds2249
Pedram Maleknia 1 , Ashritha Reddy Chalamalla 2 , Anastasia Arynchyna-Smith 3 , Leon Dure 4 , Donna Murdaugh 4 , Brandon G. Rocque 3


Little is known about the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children with hydrocephalus. In this study, the authors assessed the prevalence of ADHD and its association with clinical and demographic factors, including intellectual disability (ID), a potential factor that can confound the diagnosis of ADHD.


The authors conducted a cross-sectional study of children 6–12 years of age with hydrocephalus using parent telephone surveys. The Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Screening Questionnaire (CAIDS-Q) and the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) Vanderbilt Assessment Scale were used to screen for ID and ADHD, respectively. Among children without ID, the authors identified those with ADHD and calculated a prevalence estimate and 95% confidence interval (Wald method). Logistic regression analysis was conducted to compare children with ADHD with those without ADHD based on demographics, family income, parental educational, etiology of hydrocephalus, and primary treatment. As a secondary analysis, the authors compared subjects with ID with those without using the same variables. Multivariable analysis was used to identify factors with independent association with ADHD and ID.


A total of 147 primary caregivers responded to the telephone questionnaire. Seventy-two children (49%) met the cutoff score for ID (CAIDS-Q). The presence of ID was significantly associated with lower family income (p < 0.001). Hydrocephalus etiology (p = 0.051) and initial treatment (p = 0.06) approached significance. Of children without ID (n = 75), 25 demonstrated a likely diagnosis of ADHD on the NICHQ, yielding a prevalence estimate of 0.33 (95% CI 0.22–0.44). No clinical or demographic variable showed significant association with ADHD.


These data indicate that the prevalence of ADHD among children with hydrocephalus (33%) is higher than among the general population (estimated prevalence in Alabama is 12.5%). ID is also common (49%). Routine screening for ADHD and ID in children with hydrocephalus may help to ensure that adequate resources are provided to optimize functional outcomes across development.




关于脑积水儿童注意力缺陷/多动障碍 (ADHD) 的患病率知之甚少。在这项研究中,作者评估了 ADHD 的患病率及其与临床和人口因素的关联,包括智力障碍 (ID),这是一个可能混淆 ADHD 诊断的潜在因素。


作者使用家长电话调查对 6-12 岁脑积水儿童进行了横断面研究。儿童和青少年智力障碍筛查问卷 (CAIDS-Q) 和国家儿童健康质量研究所 (NICHQ) Vanderbilt 评估量表分别用于筛查 ID 和 ADHD。在没有 ID 的儿童中,作者确定了患有 ADHD 的儿童,并计算了患病率估计值和 95% 置信区间(Wald 方法)。进行逻辑回归分析,根据人口统计学、家庭收入、父母教育、脑积水病因和初级治疗,比较患有 ADHD 的儿童与没有 ADHD 的儿童。作为次要分析,作者将 ID 受试者与未使用相同变量的受试者进行了比较。


共有 147 名主要照顾者回答了电话问卷。72 名儿童 (49%) 达到了 ID (CAIDS-Q) 的截止分数。ID 的存在与较低的家庭收入显着相关(p < 0.001)。脑积水病因 (p = 0.051) 和初始治疗 (p = 0.06) 接近显着性。在没有 ID 的儿童 (n = 75) 中,25 人在 NICHQ 上表现出可能诊断为 ADHD,得出的患病率估计值为 0.33 (95% CI 0.22–0.44)。没有临床或人口统计学变量显示与 ADHD 显着相关。


这些数据表明,脑积水儿童的 ADHD 患病率(33%)高于一般人群(阿拉巴马州的估计患病率为 12.5%)。ID 也很常见(49%)。对脑积水儿童进行 ADHD 和 ID 的常规筛查可能有助于确保提供足够的资源来优化整个发育过程中的功能结果。
