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Monitoring antioxidants by coulometry: Quantitative assessment of the strikingly high antioxidant capacity of bergamot (Citrus bergamia R.) by-products
Talanta ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2022.123765
Francesco Siano 1 , Gianluca Picariello 1 , Domenico Castaldo 2 , Domenico Cautela 3 , Tonino Caruso 4 , Ermanno Vasca 4

A recently optimized rapid, cheap, and accurate coulometric method has been exploited to determine the antioxidant capacity of bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso) by-products, including first (FPJ) and second press juices (SPJ), in comparison to analogous products from several citrus species. Extracts from the entire edible part (i.e., juice and pulp) and de-oiled peel of bergamot were also assayed. The Coulometrically Determined Antioxidant Capacity (CDAC) data, expressed as moles of electrons per mass of sample, were evaluated with other parameters such as total phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, total carotenoids, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical inhibition.

The CDAC of bergamot FPJ (39 mmol e kg−1) was comparable with other citrus juices (20–65 mmol e kg−1 range), whereas the CDAC of bergamot SPJ (816 mmol e kg−1) was strikingly higher than the counterparts from other citrus fruits. This value approached that of bergamot peel extracts (822 mmol e kg−1). Bergamot peel and SPJ also exhibited the highest DPPH inhibition. The CDAC values were associated with the HPLC-determined content of flavonoids, namely neoeriocitrin, naringin, and neohesperidin, which were 4-10-fold more concentrated in bergamot SPJ and peel than in SPJ from other citrus species. These findings contribute to point at bergamot by-products as rich sources of antioxidant compounds on a quantitative basis, highlighting their enormous potential for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and food applications.


通过电量法监测抗氧化剂:对佛手柑 (Citrus bergamia R.) 副产品惊人的高抗氧化能力进行定量评估

一种最近优化的快速、廉价和准确的电量分析法已被用于确定佛手柑 ( Citrus bergamia Risso) 副产品的抗氧化能力,包括第一榨汁 (FPJ) 和第二榨汁 (SPJ),并与几种类似产品进行比较柑橘类。还测定了佛手柑的整个可食用部分(果汁和果肉)和去油果皮的提取物。库仑测定的抗氧化能力 (CDAC) 数据(以每质量样品的电子摩尔数表示)与其他参数(例如总酚类化合物、抗坏血酸、总类胡萝卜素和 1,1-二苯基-2-苦基肼 (DPPH))进行了评估根治性抑制。

佛手柑 FPJ (39 mmol e - kg -1 ) 的 CDAC 与其他柑橘汁 (20-65 mmol e - kg -1范围) 相当,而佛手柑 SPJ (816 mmol e - kg -1 ) 的 CDAC 惊人地高于其他柑橘类水果的同类产品。该值接近佛手柑皮提取物的值(822 mmol e - kg -1)。佛手柑果皮和 SPJ 也表现出最高的 DPPH 抑制作用。CDAC 值与 HPLC 测定的类黄酮含量相关,即新圣草素、柚皮苷和新橙皮苷,其在佛手柑 SPJ 和果皮中的浓度是其他柑橘品种 SPJ 的 4-10 倍。这些发现有助于在定量基础上指出佛手柑副产品是丰富的抗氧化化合物来源,突出了它们在制药、保健品和食品应用中的巨大潜力。
