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Optimal decisions for the innovative enterprise considering brand goodwill and consumers’ quality expectation
Computers & Industrial Engineering ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2022.108498
Xiaoya Han , Huichen Zhang , Xin Liu

The innovative enterprise entering a new market makes optimal decisions based on consumer behavior and market conditions. This study investigates product pricing strategy and quality strategy by considering the brand goodwill of the innovative enterprise and the consumers’ quality expectation. We mainly analyze three scenarios including the innovative product strategies with no competition, competitive pricing, and asymmetric-information case. Results show that the optimal price and quality level of the innovative product are not always positively correlated with the brand goodwill of the innovative enterprise. Moreover, to cope with a competitive market, optimal prices and production strategies are proposed. Faced with consumers insensitive to quality bias, the innovative enterprise with low brand goodwill can hardly gain an advantage in quality strategy. In a Bertrand competitive market, the optimal price and corresponding production strategy of an innovative product are somewhat different from that in a Stackelberg game market. In addition, information transparency is key to the success or failure of an innovative enterprise in a competitive market.



进入新市场的创新型企业根据消费者行为和市场状况做出最优决策。本研究通过考虑创新企业的品牌商誉和消费者的质量期望来研究产品定价策略和质量策略。我们主要分析了三个场景,包括没有竞争的创新产品策略、竞争定价和不对称信息案例。结果表明,创新产品的最优价格和质量水平并不总是与创新企业的品牌商誉呈正相关。此外,为了应对竞争激烈的市场,提出了最优价格和生产策略。面对对质量偏见不敏感的消费者,品牌商誉低的创新型企业很难在质量战略上获得优势。在 Bertrand 竞争市场中,创新产品的最优价格和相应的生产策略与 Stackelberg 博弈市场中的有所不同。此外,信息透明度是创新企业在竞争激烈的市场中成败的关键。
