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Anti-racism in coaching: a global call to action
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice Pub Date : 2022-07-23 , DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2022.2098789
Charmaine Roche 1 , Jonathan Passmore 2


This article is based on original qualitative research involving key stakeholders from across the coaching eco-system and advances a call to action inspired by a growing vanguard of coaching practitioners, researchers and thought leaders seeking to deploy coaching in support of the global movement for racial justice and equity. The research, using focus group discussions and one to one interviews, gives primacy to the marginalised voices of Black, Indigenous and Other People of Colour (BIPOC) who work as coaches in the industry and their communities. This research is the result of a global collaboration with participants from the U.S.A., U.K., Kenya, South Africa and New Zealand (Māori). Our findings confirm that colour-blindness dominates across the coaching eco-system, and we argue for a shift to a colour/race-conscious stance that is the prerequisite to adopting an anti-racist approach. We take as our point of departure for analysing the data the Global Critical Race and Racism Framework which contextualises our research participants within the legacies of imperial colonialism, and the history of resistance against it. The article presents a 14-point manifesto drawn from analysis of the data, as a call to action to the coaching professionals and the industry they serve.




本文基于原始定性研究,涉及来自整个教练生态系统的主要利益相关者,并提出了一项行动呼吁,其灵感来自越来越多的教练从业者、研究人员和思想领袖的先锋,他们寻求部署教练以支持全球种族正义运动和股权。该研究使用焦点小组讨论和一对一访谈,优先考虑在该行业及其社区担任教练的黑人、土著和其他有色人种 (BIPOC) 的边缘化声音。这项研究是与来自美国、英国、肯尼亚、南非和新西兰(毛利)的参与者进行全球合作的结果。我们的研究结果证实,色盲在整个教练生态系统中占主导地位,我们主张转变对肤色/种族意识的立场,这是采取反种族主义方法的先决条件。我们以全球批判种族和种族主义框架作为我们分析数据的出发点,该框架将我们的研究参与者置于帝国殖民主义遗产和反抗历史的背景下。这篇文章提出了从数据分析中得出的 14 点宣言,作为对教练专业人士和他们所服务的行业采取行动的号召。
