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Pregnancy at Age 35 Years or Older: ACOG Obstetric Care Consensus No. 11.
Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-7-20 , DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000004873

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from 2020 demonstrate the continued upward trend in the mean age of pregnant individuals in the United States. Observational studies demonstrate that pregnancy in older individuals is associated with increased risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes-for both the pregnant patient and the fetus-that might differ from those in a younger pregnant population, even in healthy individuals with no other comorbidities. There are several studies that suggest advancing age at the time of pregnancy is associated with greater disparities in severe maternal morbidity and mortality. This document seeks to provide evidence-based clinical recommendations for minimizing adverse outcomes associated with pregnancy with anticipated delivery at an advanced maternal age. The importance and benefits of accessible health care from prepregnancy through postpartum care for all pregnant individuals cannot be overstated. However, this document focuses on and addresses the unique differences in pregnancy-related care for women and all those seeking obstetric care with anticipated delivery at age 35 years or older within the framework of routine pregnancy care. This Obstetric Care Consensus document was developed using an a priori protocol in conjunction with the authors listed above.


35 岁或以上的妊娠:ACOG 产科护理共识第 11 号。

美国疾病控制与预防中心 2020 年的数据显示,美国孕妇的平均年龄呈持续上升趋势。观察性研究表明,年长个体的妊娠与妊娠患者和胎儿的不良妊娠结局风险增加相关,这可能与年轻妊娠人群不同,即使在没有其他合并症的健康个体中也是如此。有几项研究表明,怀孕时年龄的增长与严重孕产妇发病率和死亡率的更大差异有关。本文件旨在提供基于证据的临床建议,以尽量减少与高龄产妇预期分娩相关的不良后果。从孕前到产后护理,无障碍医疗保健对所有孕妇的重要性和好处怎么强调都不为过。然而,本文件重点关注并解决了在常规妊娠护理框架内为女性和所有寻求产科护理且预期分娩年龄在 35 岁或以上的女性提供的妊娠相关护理的独特差异。本产科护理共识文件是与上述作者一起使用先验协议制定的。