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Contraceptive Use Before and After Abortion: A Cross-Sectional Study from Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 4.314 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-20 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12208
Sophia Magalona 1 , Meagan Byrne 1 , Funmilola M OlaOlorun 2 , Rosine Mosso 3 , Elizabeth Omoluabi 4 , Caroline Moreau 1, 5 , Suzanne O Bell 1

Post-abortion contraception enables women to effectively manage their fertility to prevent unintended pregnancies. Using data from population-based surveys of women aged 15–49 in Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire, we examined contraceptive dynamics immediately before and after an abortion and examined factors associated with these changes using multivariable logistic regressions. Covariates included sociodemographic characteristics, abortion source, post-abortion contraceptive communication (wanting to and actually talking to someone about contraception after abortion), and perceived contraceptive autonomy. We observed higher contraceptive use after abortion than before abortion. In Nigeria, wanting to talk to someone about contraception post-abortion was associated with increased adoption and decreased discontinuation, whereas talking to someone about contraception post-abortion was associated with increased adoption. Obtaining care from a clinical abortion source was associated with increased adoption and decreased discontinuation. Both post-abortion contraceptive communication variables were associated with post-abortion contraceptive use in both countries, whereas clinical source was only associated with post-abortion contraceptive use in Nigeria. Our findings suggest that ensuring that women have access to safe abortion as part of the formal health care system and receive comprehensive, high-quality post-abortion care services that include contraceptive counseling enables them to make informed decisions about their fertility that align with their reproductive goals.



流产后避孕使妇女能够有效地管理她们的生育能力,以防止意外怀孕。使用来自尼日利亚和科特迪瓦 15-49 岁女性的人口调查数据,我们检查了流产前后的避孕动态,并使用多变量逻辑回归检查了与这些变化相关的因素。协变量包括社会人口学特征、流产来源、流产后避孕沟通(想要并实际与某人谈论流产后的避孕问题)以及感知的避孕自主权。我们观察到流产后避孕药的使用率高于流产前。在尼日利亚,想与某人谈论堕胎后的避孕措施与增加采用率和减少停药有关,而与某人谈论堕胎后的避孕措施与增加采用率有关。从临床流产来源获得护理与采用率增加和中止率减少有关。这两个流产后避孕沟通变量都与这两个国家的流产后避孕使用有关,而临床来源仅与尼日利亚的流产后避孕使用有关。我们的研究结果表明,确保女性能够获得安全堕胎作为正式医疗保健系统的一部分,并获得包括避孕咨询在内的全面、高质量的堕胎后护理服务,使她们能够就其生育能力做出与其生殖相一致的知情决定目标。从临床流产来源获得护理与采用率增加和中止率减少有关。这两个流产后避孕沟通变量都与这两个国家的流产后避孕使用有关,而临床来源仅与尼日利亚的流产后避孕使用有关。我们的研究结果表明,确保女性能够获得安全堕胎作为正式医疗保健系统的一部分,并获得包括避孕咨询在内的全面、高质量的堕胎后护理服务,使她们能够就其生育能力做出与其生殖相一致的知情决定目标。从临床流产来源获得护理与采用率增加和中止率减少有关。这两个流产后避孕沟通变量都与这两个国家的流产后避孕使用有关,而临床来源仅与尼日利亚的流产后避孕使用有关。我们的研究结果表明,确保女性能够获得安全堕胎作为正式医疗保健系统的一部分,并获得包括避孕咨询在内的全面、高质量的堕胎后护理服务,使她们能够就其生育能力做出与其生殖相一致的知情决定目标。这两个流产后避孕沟通变量都与这两个国家的流产后避孕使用有关,而临床来源仅与尼日利亚的流产后避孕使用有关。我们的研究结果表明,确保女性能够获得安全堕胎作为正式医疗保健系统的一部分,并获得包括避孕咨询在内的全面、高质量的堕胎后护理服务,使她们能够就其生育能力做出与其生殖相一致的知情决定目标。这两个流产后避孕沟通变量都与这两个国家的流产后避孕使用有关,而临床来源仅与尼日利亚的流产后避孕使用有关。我们的研究结果表明,确保女性能够获得安全堕胎作为正式医疗保健系统的一部分,并获得包括避孕咨询在内的全面、高质量的堕胎后护理服务,使她们能够就其生育能力做出与其生殖相一致的知情决定目标。