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Journey to wellness: A socioecological analysis of veterans in recovery from substance use disorders
American Journal of Community Psychology ( IF 4.019 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-18 , DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12615
Simone P Grisamore 1 , Rebecca L Nguyen 2 , Elzbieta K Wiedbusch 3 , Mayra Guerrero 4 , Carlie E A Cope 5 , Mary G Abo 6 , Leonard A Jason 6

Substance use disorders are increasingly prevalent among veterans in the United States. Veterans in recovery face unique challenges, such as high rates of psychiatric comorbidities, difficulties adjusting to civilian life, and inadequate housing and mental health services. While prior research has explored veterans' experiences in recovery, studies have not implemented a multilevel perspective in their analyses. The current qualitative study examined how individual veteran experiences intersect with interpersonal and systemic factors. Semistructured focus groups were conducted with veterans who were former or current residents of recovery homes (N = 20). Thematic analysis was utilized to explore veterans' personal experiences through the CHIME-D framework (connectedness, hope & optimism, identity, meaning in life, empowerment, and difficulties). The data were further analyzed within a socioecological model (intrapersonal, interpersonal, and community). Each component of the CHIME-D framework was salient across all focus groups, with connectedness, empowerment, and difficulties being the most prominent themes that occurred across all socioecological levels. Results suggest that recovery initiatives can effectively assist veterans by promoting empowerment, facilitating social connections, and addressing cooccurring difficulties across multiple socioecological contexts. Additionally, treatment programs should encourage veterans to take on meaningful roles in their communities. Future research should continue to explore veterans' recovery experiences using a socioecological model.



物质使用障碍在美国退伍军人中越来越普遍。康复中的退伍军人面临着独特的挑战,例如精神病合并症的高发率、难以适应平民生活以及住房和心理健康服务不足。虽然之前的研究探索了退伍军人的康复经历,但研究并未在其分析中实施多层次视角。目前的定性研究考察了退伍军人个人经历如何与人际和系统因素相交。半结构化焦点小组与以前或现在居住在康复中心的退伍军人一起进行(N = 20)。利用主题分析通过 CHIME-D 框架探索退伍军人的个人经历(联系、希望和乐观、身份、生活意义、赋权和困难)。在社会生态学模型(内省、人际关系和社区)中进一步分析了数据。CHIME-D 框架的每个组成部分在所有焦点小组中都很突出,连通性、赋权和困难是所有社会生态层面中最突出的主题。结果表明,恢复计划可以通过促进赋权、促进社会联系和解决跨多个社会生态环境的同时发生的困难来有效地帮助退伍军人。此外,治疗计划应鼓励退伍军人在他们的社区中扮演有意义的角色。