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The meanings, risk factors and consequences of religious extremism: The perceptions of Islamic education teachers from Israel
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 2.133 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-16 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3825
Najwan Saada 1

This multiple case study examines the attitudes of 14 Islamic education teachers from Israel towards the meaning, causes and consequences of religious extremism among students in their Arab and Muslim-majority middle and high schools. These teachers define religious extremism as belief in absolute religious truth, inflexibility in religious interpretation, or strict adherence to Islamic teachings. In addition, the teachers distinguish the personal (adolescence, family problems and psychosocial needs), religious (unquestioned following of extremist imams or religion scholars; adopting of selective, literal and decontextualised readings of the religious text; influence of partisan teachers) and socio-political factors (students' feelings of fear and anger towards Israel and its unjust and oppressive role in the Palestinian–Israeli conflict) that push students towards religious extremism. Religious extremism, the teachers conclude, may lead to hatred or violence against followers of other religions, antagonism between Muslims and Jews in Israel, increased Islamophobia in Western societies, the rejection of Islam, the oppression of female students and reduced student achievement and diminished future prospects.



这项多案例研究调查了 14 名来自以色列的伊斯兰教育教师对阿拉伯和穆斯林占多数的中学和高中学生宗教极端主义的含义、原因和后果的态度。这些教师将宗教极端主义定义为对绝对宗教真理的信仰、对宗教解释的僵化或严格遵守伊斯兰教义。此外,教师区分个人(青春期、家庭问题和社会心理需求)、宗教(极端主义伊玛目或宗教学者的无可置疑的追随者;采用选择性的、字面的和脱离上下文的宗教文本阅读;党派教师的影响)和社会-政治因素(学生的 对以色列及其在巴以冲突中扮演的不公正和压迫角色的恐惧和愤怒情绪)将学生推向宗教极端主义。教师得出结论,宗教极端主义可能导致对其他宗教追随者的仇恨或暴力、以色列穆斯林和犹太人之间的对立、西方社会仇视伊斯兰教的增加、对伊斯兰教的排斥、对女学生的压迫以及学生成绩下降和未来前景黯淡前景。