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Humour and sarcasm: expressions of global warming on Twitter
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications ( IF 2.731 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-15 , DOI: 10.1057/s41599-022-01236-y
Hande Eslen-Ziya

The increasing popularity of Twitter as a medium for sharing and debating scientific information brings forth questions about the type of narratives emerging around environmental/climate change and global warming. This article maps the landscape of narratives of how Twitter is used to communicate about environmental issues in Turkey. It displays how these actors can play a crucial role in constructing and/or de-constructing such crisis. I show how Twitter users in Turkey, use such medium to strengthen their own and the public’s awareness on global warming or to deny all together create a counter narrative and how certain frames that promote scepticism about environmental change are broadly disseminated by using certain emotional context. The analyses of the 1295 tweets collected using a random week sample displayed users who are sceptical about the Turkish government taking a more active stance toward climate change whereas the users supporting the government in general where more preoccupied with hoax arguments that in return may compromise trust in scientific authorities. The analysis combines thematic analysis of tweets and coding. I conclude the paper by conversing the significance of studying Twitter as a communicative platform that provides rich information displaying the existing dynamics.



Twitter 作为分享和辩论科学信息的媒介越来越受欢迎,引发了关于围绕环境/气候变化和全球变暖出现的叙述类型的问题。本文描绘了 Twitter 如何用于在土耳其就环境问题进行交流的叙述图景。它展示了这些行为者如何在构建和/或解构此类危机中发挥关键作用。我展示了土耳其的 Twitter 用户如何使用这种媒体来加强他们自己和公众对全球变暖的认识,或者共同否认所有这些创造了一种相反的叙述,以及某些促进对环境变化的怀疑的框架是如何通过使用特定的情感背景来广泛传播的。对使用随机周样本收集的 1295 条推文的分析显示,用户对土耳其政府对气候变化采取更积极的立场持怀疑态度,而支持政府的用户通常更专注于恶作剧的论点,这反过来可能会损害对土耳其政府的信任科学权威。该分析结合了推文和编码的主题分析。我通过讨论研究 Twitter 作为一个提供丰富信息的交流平台来展示现有动态的重要性来结束这篇论文。该分析结合了推文和编码的主题分析。我通过讨论研究 Twitter 作为一个提供丰富信息的交流平台来展示现有动态的重要性来结束这篇论文。该分析结合了推文和编码的主题分析。我通过讨论研究 Twitter 作为一个提供丰富信息的交流平台来展示现有动态的重要性来结束这篇论文。
