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Challenges of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic for women in the UAE
Journal of Public Affairs Pub Date : 2022-07-06 , DOI: 10.1002/pa.2829
Chokri Kooli 1, 2

This study explored the experiences of working from home among women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) during the lockdown. Adopting the interpretative philosophical approach, this study conducts semi-structured interviews with sixteen (16) randomly selected women actively employed in different sectors in the UAE economy. The analysis was carried out using the thematic analysis to derive the themes and sub-themes emerging from the coded data. The research finds that most of the challenges are associated with spillover from work, affecting family time, and invading personal space. The research concluded that women working remotely faced issues linked to glitches, malfunctions, and knowledge deficiencies. The third most identified challenge to working from home was the distractions that come with the conscious attempt to divide attention between work and family, trying to stop one from interfering with the other. However, the research observed some notable advantages including workplace flexibility and control, as well as the opportunity to work from the comfort of the home. The findings also revealed the mixed feelings to continue working from home and its impact on the career progression of women in the UAE.


COVID-19 大流行期间阿联酋女性在家工作的挑战

本研究探讨了封锁期间阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 女性在家工作的经历。本研究采用解释性哲学方法,对十六 (16) 名随机选择的活跃在阿联酋经济不同部门的女性进行了半结构化访谈。使用主题分析进行分析,以得出从编码数据中出现的主题和子主题。研究发现,大多数挑战都与工作溢出、影响家庭时间和侵犯个人空间有关。该研究得出结论,远程工作的女性面临与故障、故障和知识不足相关的问题。在家工作的第三大挑战是有意识地试图将注意力分散在工作和家庭之间,试图阻止一方干扰另一方,从而分散注意力。然而,研究发现了一些显着的优势,包括工作场所的灵活性和控制力,以及在舒适的家中工作的机会。调查结果还揭示了继续在家工作的复杂感受及其对阿联酋女性职业发展的影响。