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Kindergarten teachers promote the participation experience of African Asylum-Seeker families
International Migration ( IF 2.022 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-05 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.13037
Dolly Eliyahu‐Levi 1

African asylum seekers live in Israel in the realities of poverty, racism, and personal insecurity. From a sociological point of view, Participation is taking part in social processes, interacting with people, texts and technologies and it may affect all areas of life. This is a qualitative-interpretive study that examines through interviews the participation experience from the perspective of eight African couples and six Israeli kindergarten teachers. The findings indicate: (1) Increasing the parents' sense of belonging, (2) Increasing the cultural participation, (3) Increasing community cohesion. Findings reveal a tension between the parents' desire to be involved and my reality of poverty and working around the clock that prevents their presence in educational activities. Under such complex conditions, kindergarten teachers worked to establish a positive personal relationship, strengthen the parents' sense of ability, overcome language barriers, and cultivate a sense of belonging from a perception that increasing participation would help them deal with integration challenges and livelihoods social rejection. The study has a theoretical and practical contribution, and its findings may be used by educators and policymakers regarding principles for action to promote the experience of participation and involvement of parents in educational settings.



非洲寻求庇护者生活在以色列的贫困、种族主义和人身不安全的现实中。从社会学的角度来看,参与是参与社会过程,与人、文本和技术互动,它可能影响生活的各个领域。这是一项定性-解释性研究,通过访谈从八对非洲夫妇和六名以色列幼儿园教师的角度审视参与体验。调查结果表明:(1) 增加父母的归属感,(2) 增加文化参与,(3) 增加社区凝聚力。调查结果揭示了父母参与的愿望与我的贫困和日以继夜工作的现实之间的紧张关系,这阻碍了他们参与教育活动。在如此复杂的条件下,幼儿园教师努力建立积极的人际关系,加强父母的能力意识,克服语言障碍,并培养归属感,因为他们认为增加参与将有助于他们应对融入挑战和生计社会排斥。该研究具有理论和实践贡献,其研究结果可被教育工作者和政策制定者用于制定行动原则,以促进家长参与和参与教育环境的经验。