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The Evolution of Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Turkey
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade ( IF 4.859 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 , DOI: 10.1080/1540496x.2022.2082282
Oğuz Öztunalı 1 , Orhan Torul 2


We investigate the role of intergenerational transmission in educational outcomes and inequalities for cohorts born between 1951 and 1985 in Turkey via the Turkish Statistical Institute’s Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantages Module in 2011. Our results show that Turkey has a relatively low degree of intergenerational educational mobility. Further, the primary measures of intergenerational educational mobility – the regression and correlation coefficients via years of schooling – exhibit a U-shape over the sample period. Our first decomposition exercise reveals that the early cohorts’ improving intergenerational mobility stems mainly from the educational improvements of descendants born to low-educated fathers. In contrast, the recently increasing intergenerational correlation stems from the disproportionately favorable university prospects of descendants born to university graduate fathers. Moreover, we decompose the correlation coefficient via a second methodology and show that 91% of the correlation stems from within-subgroup correlations. Specifically, the contribution of urban (rural) males and females average 32% and 44% (7% and 8%), respectively.




我们通过土耳其统计研究所 2011 年的劣势代际传递模块调查了 1951 年至 1985 年间出生在土耳其的群体的代际传递在教育成果和不平等中的作用。我们的结果表明,土耳其的代际教育流动程度相对较低。此外,代际教育流动的主要衡量标准——通过受教育年限的回归和相关系数——在样本期间呈现 U 形。我们的第一个分解练习表明,早期群体的代际流动性改善主要源于受教育程度低的父亲所生后代的教育改善。相比之下,最近日益增加的代际相关性源于大学毕业生父亲所生的后代的大学前景异常有利。此外,我们通过第二种方法分解相关系数,并表明 91% 的相关性源于子组内的相关性。具体来说,城市的贡献(农村)男性和女性平均分别为 32% 和 44%(7% 和 8%)。
