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Calcaneal positioning in equinus immobilization of the ankle joint: A comparison of common orthoses used in the treatment of acute Achilles tendon ruptures
Foot and Ankle Surgery ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fas.2022.06.011
Rasmus Kramer Mikkelsen 1 , Sanja Somodi 2 , Per Hölmich 3 , Kristoffer Weisskirchner Barfod 3

Orthoses are an important part of both conservative and operative treatment of acute Achilles tendon rupture as they can be used to position the foot in equinus and protect the torn tendon from strain in the healing phase. The aim of the study was to test four different orthoses ability to position the foot in equinus. The study was performed as a cross-sectional study. 15 healthy study participants underwent radiographic examination with 11 true lateral radiographs of the right ankle and foot, one with the ankle joint in neutral position; one of a circular equinus cast (CEC); three of an adjustable equinus boot (AEB) with the foot in 30°, 15°, and 0° of plantar flexion, respectively; three of a fixed angle orthosis with 1, 2, and 3 wedges with a plateau (WWP); and three of a fixed angle orthosis with 1, 2, and 3 wedges without plateau (WWOP). The primary outcome was the Achilles Relief Distance (ARD). Secondary outcomes were the tibiocalcaneal angle (TCA), the tibiotalar angle (TTA), and the tibio- 1st metatarsal angle (1MTP). All measurements were performed by a radiologist. The mean (SD) ARD was 11 mm (7) in CEC, 23 mm (6) with 3 WWP, 11 mm (5) with 3 WWOP, and 15 mm (5) using AEB in 30° of plantarflexion. The mean (SD) TCA was 86° (7,8) in CEC, 76° (7,3) with 3 WWP, 90° (6,9) with 3 WWOP, and 84° (6,6) using the AEB in 30° of plantarflexion. CEC, AEB, and WWOP showed statistically significantly larger plantarflexion than WWP. CEC, AEB and WWOP produced significantly greater plantarflexion compared to WWP.



矫形器是急性跟腱断裂保守治疗和手术治疗的重要组成部分,因为它们可用于将足部定位在马蹄足上,并保护撕裂的肌腱在愈合阶段免受拉伤。该研究的目的是测试四种不同的矫形器将足部定位为马蹄足的能力。该研究是一项横断面研究。15 名健康研究参与者接受了 X 线检查,其中 11 幅右踝和足部真实侧位 X 光片,其中 1 幅踝关节处于中立位;圆形马蹄足铸件 (CEC) 之一;三个可调节马蹄靴 (AEB),足部分别处于跖屈 30°、15° 和 0° 的位置;三个带有 1、2 和 3 个楔块的固定角度矫形器,带有平台 (WWP);以及三个带有 1、2 和 3 个楔形无平台 (WWOP) 的固定角度矫形器。主要结果是跟腱缓解距离 (ARD)。次要结果是胫跟角 (TCA)、胫距角 (TTA) 和胫骨第一跖骨角 (1MTP)。所有测量均由放射科医生进行。CEC 中的平均 (SD) ARD 为 11 毫米 (7),3 WWP 时为 23 毫米 (6),3 WWOP 时为 11 毫米 (5),使用 AEB 在 30° 跖屈时为 15 毫米 (5)。CEC 中的平均 (SD) TCA 为 86° (7,8),3 WWP 为 76° (7,3),3 WWOP 为 90° (6,9),使用 AEB 为 84° (6,6)跖屈 30°。CEC、AEB 和 WWOP 显示出统计学上显着大于 WWP 的跖屈。与 WWP 相比,CEC、AEB 和 WWOP 产生明显更大的跖屈。
