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Impact of Increasing Standardized Ileal Digestible Valine:Lysine in Diets Containing 30% Dried Distiller Grains with Solubles on Growing Pig Performance
Journal of Animal Science ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-25 , DOI: 10.1093/jas/skac228
David A Clizer 1 , Blair J Tostenson 1 , Sam K Tauer 1 , Ryan S Samuel 2 , Paul M Cline 1

A total of 2,430 pigs (DNA 600 x Topigs Norsvin 70, initially 39.4 kg) were used in a 28-d trial to determine the standardized ileal digestible (SID) Val:Lys requirement for pigs fed diets containing 30% DDGS. Treatments included 5 diets containing 30% DDGS with SID Val:Lys ratios of 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80%, plus a corn soybean meal (SBM) diet, for a total of 6 dietary treatments. Diets were formulated to be isocaloric through the inclusion of fat and to contain equal amounts of SID Lys within phase. Pens were assigned to dietary treatment in a randomized complete block design with initial body weight (BW) as the random blocking factor. Each dietary treatment was replicated 15 times and pens contained 27 pigs, balanced for sex. Increasing the SID Val:Lys ratio in diets containing 30% DDGS increased (Quadratic; P< 0.007) 14-d BW, final BW, average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and gain:feed (G:F) for all periods. Providing a SID Val:Lys ratio of 75% resulted in the heaviest 14-d BW and final BW as well as greater ADG and ADFI of pigs fed 30% DDGS for all periods. The G:F response was maximized when a SID Val:Lys ratio of 70% was provided from d 0 to 14 while a SID Val:Lys ratio of 75% maximized G:F from d 14 to 28 and for the cumulative period. The SID Val:Lys requirement was estimated at 66.6% (95% CI:[65.9, 67.4]), 65.7 (95% CI:[64.8, 66.5]), and 68.4% (95% CI:[66.0, 70.8]) for ADG, ADFI, and G:F, respectively, using the straight broken line (SBL) method and 69.9% (95% CI:[68.2, 71.5]), 67.6 (95% CI:[65.4, 69.8]), and 72.8% (95% CI:[69.8, 75.8]) for the quadratic broken line (QBL) method. Pigs fed the corn-SBM diet had heavier 14-d BW, final BW, and greater ADG, ADFI, G:F (P< 0.032) compared to pigs fed diets containing 30% DDGS, except for cumulative ADFI compared to pigs receiving 75% SID Val:Lys (P = 0.167). In conclusion, these results suggest that when feeding 30% DDGS during the growing period, a SID Val:Lys ratio of 68% would yield more than 99% and 97% of the maximum ADG and G:F response for the 39 to 68 kg pig. However, growth performance of pigs fed diets containing 30% DDGS did not equate to pigs consuming the corn-SBM diet regardless of SID Val:Lys ratio.


含有 30% 干酒糟及可溶物的日粮中增加标准化回肠可消化缬氨酸:赖氨酸对生长猪性能的影响

总共 2,430 头猪(DNA 600 x Topigs Norsvin 70,初始体重 39.4 kg)进行了为期 28 天的试验,以确定饲喂含 30% DDGS 日粮的猪的标准化回肠可消化 (SID) Val:Lys 需求量。治疗包括 5 种含有 30% DDGS 且 SID Val:Lys 比例为 60%、65%、70%、75% 和 80% 的饮食,加上玉米豆粕 (SBM) 饮食,总共 6 种饮食治疗。通过添加脂肪并在阶段内含有等量的 SID Lys,将饮食配制为等热量。采用随机完全区组设计将猪栏分配至饮食治疗组,并以初始体重(BW)作为随机区组因子。每个饮食处理重复 15 次,猪栏内有 27 头猪,性别平衡。增加含有 30% DDGS 的日粮中的 SID Val:Lys 比率会增加(二次方;P<0.007)14 天 BW、最终 BW、所有时期的平均日增重 (ADG)、平均日采食量 (ADFI) 和增重:饲料 (​​G:F)。提供 75% 的 SID Val:Lys 比率会导致所有时期饲喂 30% DDGS 的猪的 14 天体重和最终体重最重,并且 ADG 和 ADFI 更高。当从第0天到第14天提供70%的SID Val:Lys比率时,G:F响应最大化,而75%的SID Val:Lys比率从第14天到第28天以及累积期间最大化G:F。SID Val:Lys 要求估计为 66.6% (95% CI:[65.9, 67.4])、65.7 (95% CI:[64.8, 66.5]) 和 68.4% (95% CI:[66.0, 70.8])对于 ADG、ADFI 和 G:F,使用直线折线 (SBL) 方法分别为 69.9% (95% CI:[68.2, 71.5])、67.6 (95% CI:[65.4, 69.8]) 和二次折线 (QBL) 方法为 72.8% (95% CI:[69.8, 75.8])。饲喂玉米-SBM 日粮的猪的 14 天体重、最终体重、与饲喂含有 30% DDGS 的日粮的猪相比,除了累积 ADFI 与接受 75% SID Val:Lys 的猪相比,ADG、ADFI、G:F 更高(P<0.032)(P=0.167)。总之,这些结果表明,当在生长期饲喂 30% DDGS 时,68% 的 SID Val:Lys 比率将产生超过 99% 和 97% 的最大 ADG 和 G:F 响应(对于 39 至 68 kg)猪。然而,无论 SID Val:Lys 比例如何,饲喂含有 30% DDGS 日粮的猪的生长性能并不等同于食用玉米-SBM 日粮的猪。对于 39 至 68 公斤的猪,68% 的赖氨酸比率将产生超过 99% 和 97% 的最大 ADG 和 G:F 响应。然而,无论 SID Val:Lys 比例如何,饲喂含有 30% DDGS 日粮的猪的生长性能并不等同于食用玉米-SBM 日粮的猪。对于 39 至 68 公斤的猪,68% 的赖氨酸比率将产生超过 99% 和 97% 的最大 ADG 和 G:F 响应。然而,无论 SID Val:Lys 比例如何,饲喂含有 30% DDGS 日粮的猪的生长性能并不等同于食用玉米-SBM 日粮的猪。