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Maternal Vaccination and Risk of Hospitalization for Covid-19 among Infants
The New England Journal of Medicine ( IF 158.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-22 , DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2204399
Natasha B Halasa 1 , Samantha M Olson 1 , Mary A Staat 1 , Margaret M Newhams 1 , Ashley M Price 1 , Pia S Pannaraj 1 , Julie A Boom 1 , Leila C Sahni 1 , Kathleen Chiotos 1 , Melissa A Cameron 1 , Katherine E Bline 1 , Charlotte V Hobbs 1 , Aline B Maddux 1 , Bria M Coates 1 , Kelly N Michelson 1 , Sabrina M Heidemann 1 , Katherine Irby 1 , Ryan A Nofziger 1 , Elizabeth H Mack 1 , Laura Smallcomb 1 , Stephanie P Schwartz 1 , Tracie C Walker 1 , Shira J Gertz 1 , Jennifer E Schuster 1 , Satoshi Kamidani 1 , Keiko M Tarquinio 1 , Samina S Bhumbra 1 , Mia Maamari 1 , Janet R Hume 1 , Hillary Crandall 1 , Emily R Levy 1 , Matt S Zinter 1 , Tamara T Bradford 1 , Heidi R Flori 1 , Melissa L Cullimore 1 , Michele Kong 1 , Natalie Z Cvijanovich 1 , Suzanne M Gilboa 1 , Kara N Polen 1 , Angela P Campbell 1 , Adrienne G Randolph 1 , Manish M Patel 1 ,


Infants younger than 6 months of age are at high risk for complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and are not eligible for vaccination. Transplacental transfer of antibodies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) after maternal Covid-19 vaccination may confer protection against Covid-19 in infants.


We used a case–control test-negative design to assess the effectiveness of maternal vaccination during pregnancy against hospitalization for Covid-19 among infants younger than 6 months of age. Between July 1, 2021, and March 8, 2022, we enrolled infants hospitalized for Covid-19 (case infants) and infants hospitalized without Covid-19 (control infants) at 30 hospitals in 22 states. We estimated vaccine effectiveness by comparing the odds of full maternal vaccination (two doses of mRNA vaccine) among case infants and control infants during circulation of the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant (July 1, 2021, to December 18, 2021) and the B.1.1.259 (omicron) variant (December 19, 2021, to March 8, 2022).


A total of 537 case infants (181 of whom had been admitted to a hospital during the delta period and 356 during the omicron period; median age, 2 months) and 512 control infants were enrolled and included in the analyses; 16% of the case infants and 29% of the control infants had been born to mothers who had been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 during pregnancy. Among the case infants, 113 (21%) received intensive care (64 [12%] received mechanical ventilation or vasoactive infusions). Two case infants died from Covid-19; neither infant’s mother had been vaccinated during pregnancy. The effectiveness of maternal vaccination against hospitalization for Covid-19 among infants was 52% (95% confidence interval [CI], 33 to 65) overall, 80% (95% CI, 60 to 90) during the delta period, and 38% (95% CI, 8 to 58) during the omicron period. Effectiveness was 69% (95% CI, 50 to 80) when maternal vaccination occurred after 20 weeks of pregnancy and 38% (95% CI, 3 to 60) during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.


Maternal vaccination with two doses of mRNA vaccine was associated with a reduced risk of hospitalization for Covid-19, including for critical illness, among infants younger than 6 months of age. (Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)


母亲接种 Covid-19 疫苗和婴儿住院风险


6 个月以下的婴儿罹患 2019 年冠状病毒病 (Covid-19) 并发症的风险较高,不符合接种疫苗的条件。母亲接种 Covid-19 疫苗后,针对严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 (SARS-CoV-2) 的抗体经胎盘转移可能会为婴儿提供针对 Covid-19 的保护。


我们采用病例对照试验阴性设计来评估孕期母亲接种疫苗对 6 个月以下婴儿因 Covid-19 住院的有效性。2021年7月1日至2022年3月8日期间,我们在22个州的30家医院登记了因Covid-19住院的婴儿(病例婴儿)和未患Covid-19住院的婴儿(对照婴儿)。我们通过比较 B.1.617.2 (delta) 变体流通期间(2021 年 7 月 1 日至 2021 年 12 月 18 日)期间病例婴儿和对照婴儿进行全面母体疫苗接种(两剂 mRNA 疫苗)的几率来估计疫苗有效性和 B.1.1.259 (omicron) 变体(2021 年 12 月 19 日至 2022 年 3 月 8 日)。


共有 537 名病例婴儿(其中 181 名在 Delta 期间入院,356 名在 omicron 期间入院;中位年龄为 2 个月)和 512 名对照婴儿纳入分析;16% 的病例婴儿和 29% 的对照婴儿的母亲在怀孕期间已全面接种了 Covid-19 疫苗。在病例婴儿中,113 名(21%)接受了重症监护(64 名(12%)接受机械通气或血管活性输注)。两名婴儿死于 Covid-19;两名婴儿的母亲在怀孕期间均未接种疫苗。母亲接种 Covid-19 住院疫苗的有效性总体为 52%(95% 置信区间 [CI],33 至 65),三角洲期间为 80%(95% CI,60 至 90),38% (95% CI,8 至 58)在 omicron 期间。当孕产妇在怀孕 20 周后接种疫苗时,有效率为 69%(95% CI,50 至 80);在怀孕前 20 周期间,有效率为 38%(95% CI,3 至 60)。


母亲接种两剂 mRNA 疫苗可降低 6 个月以下婴儿因 Covid-19 住院的风险,包括危重疾病的住院风险。(由疾病控制和预防中心资助。)
