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The Cost of Political Differences to the Peace of Friendship
Peace Review Pub Date : 2022-06-20 , DOI: 10.1080/10402659.2022.2088231
Zaldy C. Collado

Social networking sites have been a space for fiercely contested topics such as politics. When political beliefs are challenged, scrutinized, and disagreed with among and between friends, a dissolution of friendship may follow. This study aims to examine these dynamics and attempt to offer an answer on whether these lost friendships are redeemable or not. Findings were drawn from the narrative data provided by 15 participants purposively selected online. Results yield three major themes from the thematic analysis; morals precede friendship, unfriending is liberating, and only time can tell whether these friendships can be redeemed. There is hope that these friendships are redeemable. But the possibility can be realistically difficult.



社交网站一直是政治等激烈争论话题的空间。当政治信仰受到挑战、审查和朋友之间的分歧时,友谊可能随之瓦解。本研究旨在检验这些动态,并试图就这些失去的友谊是否可以挽回提供答案。调查结果来自 15 名有目的地在线选择的参与者提供的叙述数据。结果从主题分析中产生了三个主要主题;道德先于友谊,不做朋友就是解放,只有时间才能证明这些友谊是否可以挽回。希望这些友谊是可以赎回的。但这种可能性实际上很困难。
