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Spatial Variations in Exclusionary Criteria from Online Rental Advertisements
The Professional Geographer ( IF 2.411 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 , DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2022.2061537
Providence Adu 1 , Elizabeth C. Delmelle 1

Although the Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the rental housing market on the basis of race, color, or religion, there exist ample opportunities for landlords to restrict their rental units to individuals with various backgrounds using exclusionary screening practices. These criteria, such as minimum credit scores, criminal history, source of income, or prior evictions, for instance, are often correlated with race and thus hold the potential to perpetuate spatial patterns of racial and income segregation. In this article, we analyzed online rental listings from Zillow and Craigslist in a case study of Charlotte, North Carolina, to examine the proliferation and spatial variation in exclusionary criteria by neighborhood race and income. Overall, we found criminal background, credit score, housing voucher, eviction, and minimum income restrictions to be greater in poorer and minority neighborhoods. When distinguishing by platform, however, we found the presence of corporate landlords, who did not advertise on Craigslist, to be a significant driver of these results. Corporate landlords represented nearly 60 percent of advertisements on Zillow and were more common in poorer and minority neighborhoods; they also systematically included nearly all restrictions. Craigslist, by contrast, had fewer criteria that correlated with race and income. Key Words: housing discrimination, natural language processing, online rental listings, spatial analysis, Web scraping.



尽管《公平住房法》禁止租赁住房市场基于种族、肤色或宗教的歧视,但房东仍有充足的机会通过排除性筛选做法将其出租单位限制为具有不同背景的个人。这些标准,例如最低信用评分、犯罪历史、收入来源或先前的驱逐,通常与种族相关,因此有可能使种族和收入隔离的空间模式永久化。在本文中,我们在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的案例研究中分析了 Zillow 和 Craigslist 的在线租赁列表,以检查社区种族和收入排除标准的扩散和空间变化。总的来说,我们发现了犯罪背景、信用评分、住房券、驱逐、贫困和少数民族社区的最低收入限制更大。然而,当按平台进行区分时,我们发现没有在 Craigslist 上做广告的公司房东的存在是这些结果的重要驱动因素。企业房东占 Zillow 上近 60% 的广告,并且在较贫穷和少数族裔社区更为常见;它们还系统地包括了几乎所有的限制。相比之下,Craigslist 与种族和收入相关的标准较少。企业房东占 Zillow 上近 60% 的广告,并且在较贫穷和少数族裔社区更为常见;它们还系统地包括了几乎所有的限制。相比之下,Craigslist 与种族和收入相关的标准较少。企业房东占 Zillow 上近 60% 的广告,并且在较贫穷和少数族裔社区更为常见;它们还系统地包括了几乎所有的限制。相比之下,Craigslist 与种族和收入相关的标准较少。关键词:住房歧视、自然语言处理、在线出租列表、空间分析、网络抓取。
