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Analysis of the changes in the morphology of Pre- and Post-Hispanic queros housed in Museum collections of Argentina
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Pub Date : 2022-06-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103510
María Cecilia Páez , Guillermo Germán Joosten , Marina L. Sardi

Wooden vessels or queros (also keru) are ceremonial artifacts imbued with political and utilitarian value, since they were part of the decision-making spaces of the elites, and reflected concepts and logics of representation characteristic of the indigenous world, both for native societies of the 15th century and during the later Colonial Andean period. Celebrations were accompanied by toasts and meals, at which political decisions were made regarding the fate of the population and the direction of the government. Most studies of queros have centered on decorative aspects, identifying noticeable differences in surface treatment and iconography between both periods. This work is focused on the statistical analysis of the morphology of these vessels, from the comparison of a sample of queros of Inca and Colonial periods, and the analysis of the variability observed within each of them. The working sample is composed of 45 pieces, with different origins and chronologies, belonging to collections from two Argentine museums: the Ethnographic Museum (University of Buenos Aires) and the Museum of La Plata (National University of La Plata). The results suggest important morphological differences within the colonial vessel assemblage, even greater than those observed from the comparison between Inca and Colonial queros. The general trend indicates a narrowing of the vessel waist, with its concomitant increase in the diameters of the mouth and base over time.



木器皿或 queros(也称为 keru)是充满政治和功利价值的仪式文物,因为它们是精英决策空间的一部分,反映了土著世界的代表性概念和逻辑,无论是对于土著社会15 世纪和后期安第斯殖民时期。庆祝活动伴随着祝酒和进餐,就民众的命运和政府的方向做出政治决定。大多数对 queros 的研究都集中在装饰方面,确定了两个时期在表面处理和肖像方面的显着差异。这项工作的重点是对这些船只的形态进行统计分析,通过比较印加和殖民时期的 queros 样本,以及对它们中观察到的变异性的分析。工作样本由 45 件组成,具有不同的起源和年代,属于两个阿根廷博物馆的藏品:民族志博物馆(布宜诺斯艾利斯大学)和拉普拉塔博物馆(拉普拉塔国立大学)。结果表明,殖民地船只组合内的重要形态差异,甚至大于从印加和殖民地 queros 之间的比较中观察到的差异。总的趋势表明血管腰部变窄,随着时间的推移嘴部和底部的直径随之增加。民族志博物馆(布宜诺斯艾利斯大学)和拉普拉塔博物馆(拉普拉塔国立大学)。结果表明,殖民地船只组合内的重要形态差异,甚至大于从印加和殖民地 queros 之间的比较中观察到的差异。总的趋势表明血管腰部变窄,随着时间的推移嘴部和底部的直径随之增加。民族志博物馆(布宜诺斯艾利斯大学)和拉普拉塔博物馆(拉普拉塔国立大学)。结果表明,殖民地船只组合内的重要形态差异,甚至大于从印加和殖民地 queros 之间的比较中观察到的差异。总的趋势表明血管腰部变窄,随着时间的推移嘴部和底部的直径随之增加。
