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Agricultural Disaster Risk Management and Capability Assessment Using Big Data Analytics
Big Data ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-08 , DOI: 10.1089/big.2020.0411
Caili Wang 1 , Yuwen Gao 2 , Asad Aziz 3 , Gabriel A Ogunmola 4

Besides many impacts, climate change and the rise of harsh weather have a huge hit that jeopardizes agricultural sectors. Natural catastrophes, including flooding and wildfires, are the sources of significant declines in crop production. National governments make an essential commitment, and foreign institutions work together to mitigate disasters' resilience vulnerability. These hazards have pushed catastrophe management to the forefront and made it an expanding scholarly area of study. The remarkable growth of information technology has motivated the scientific group to integrate this technology into emergency management. In this article, agricultural disaster risk management (ADRM) is offered to decide the status quo of the research on agriculture disaster management and the significance of big data. This article's primary objective is to provide technical metric analysis to analyze the body of research carried out in the past decade on different forms of disasters and the use of significant volumes. For the data assessment, the annual growth of publication outcomes, the corresponding categories of topics, and the productivity study specifications was determined. The flux of raw and analytical data from comprehensive data is so established that another effect is heavily affected in the final performance of forecasting. The assessment of ADRM proposed would have been based on data provided by the Department of Indian Meteorology, and improvement is illustrated in incorporating the mechanism proposed in flood prediction long before the occurrence of floods.



除了许多影响外,气候变化和恶劣天气的增加也造成了巨大的冲击,危及农业部门。自然灾害,包括洪水和野火,是农作物产量大幅下降的根源。各国政府做出重要承诺,外国机构共同努力减轻灾害的复原力脆弱性。这些危害将灾难管理推到了最前沿,并使其成为一个不断扩大的学术研究领域。信息技术的显着发展促使科学团队将这项技术整合到应急管理中。本文提出农业灾害风险管理(ADRM)来决定农业灾害管理研究的现状和大数据的意义。本文' 其主要目标是提供技术指标分析,以分析过去十年对不同形式灾害的研究主体和大量使用。对于数据评估,确定了出版成果的年增长率、相应的主题类别和生产力研究规范。来自综合数据的原始数据和分析数据的流量如此确定,以至于另一个影响严重影响了预测的最终性能。提议的 ADRM 评估将基于印度气象局提供的数据,并且在洪水发生之前很久就将提议的洪水预测机制纳入其中,说明了改进。