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Book Review: The Global Politics of Poverty in Canada: Development Programs and Democracy, 1964–1979
International Journal ( IF 2.867 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1177/00207020211043936
Jill Campbell-Miller 1

cetera, will gradually become part of the discipline. The book highlights two major points about the identity crisis of CFP. First is a gap between generations, clearly identified by authors in the book. Politics as the preserve of the state has exploded and foreign policy can no longer be studied, as it was for a long time, exclusively from a state or diplomatic perspective. The challenge for new critical scholars, both in politics and in history, is to anchor these new approaches to a dynamic and connected discipline. It is distressing that prime ministers no longer consult foreign policy experts, and that politicians often have no training in politics or political history. On the other hand, the traditional (“mainstream”) foundations of foreign policy (state, chronological, political, and theoretical history) are still necessary for students and scholars alike. It is a question of balance. The second interesting point raised by the book is the difficulty faced by certain groups, marginalized or less professionally visible, in their socialization and networking process within the discipline. The case of Francophone researchers could have been raised here. A parallel Francophone network in IR and CFP has developed in Quebec. How do they view this crisis? This thought-provoking book addresses many issues and questions, and is a very good starting point for students and the curious who want to understand why the diversity of approaches in Canadian foreign policy is both necessary and difficult within the discipline.



等等,将逐渐成为学科的一部分。这本书强调了关于 CFP 身份危机的两个要点。首先是几代人之间的差距,书中的作者清楚地指出了这一点。作为国家专属的政治已经爆炸式增长,外交政策不再像长期以来那样完全从国家或外交的角度来研究。无论是在政治领域还是在历史领域,新的批判学者面临的挑战是将这些新方法锚定在一个充满活力和相互关联的学科上。令人痛心的是,总理们不再咨询外交政策专家,而政客们往往没有接受过政治或政治史方面的培训。另一方面,外交政策的传统(“主流”)基础(国家、年代、政治、和理论史)对于学生和学者来说仍然是必要的。这是一个平衡的问题。本书提出的第二个有趣的观点是某些群体在学科内的社会化和网络化过程中面临的困难,这些群体被边缘化或在专业上不太显眼。法语研究人员的案例本可以在这里提出。IR 和 CFP 的平行法语网络已在魁北克发展。他们如何看待这场危机?这本发人深省的书解决了许多问题,对于想要了解为什么加拿大外交政策方法的多样性在该学科内既必要又困难的学生和好奇者来说,这是一个很好的起点。本书提出的第二个有趣的观点是某些群体在学科内的社会化和网络化过程中面临的困难,这些群体被边缘化或在专业上不太显眼。法语研究人员的案例本可以在这里提出。IR 和 CFP 的平行法语网络已在魁北克发展。他们如何看待这场危机?这本发人深省的书解决了许多问题,对于想要了解为什么加拿大外交政策方法的多样性在该学科内既必要又困难的学生和好奇者来说,这是一个很好的起点。本书提出的第二个有趣的观点是某些群体在学科内的社会化和网络化过程中面临的困难,这些群体被边缘化或在专业上不太显眼。法语研究人员的案例本可以在这里提出。IR 和 CFP 的平行法语网络已在魁北克发展。他们如何看待这场危机?这本发人深省的书解决了许多问题,对于想要了解为什么加拿大外交政策方法的多样性在该学科内既必要又困难的学生和好奇者来说,这是一个很好的起点。IR 和 CFP 的平行法语网络已在魁北克发展。他们如何看待这场危机?这本发人深省的书解决了许多问题,对于想要了解为什么加拿大外交政策方法的多样性在该学科内既必要又困难的学生和好奇者来说,这是一个很好的起点。IR 和 CFP 的平行法语网络已在魁北克发展。他们如何看待这场危机?这本发人深省的书解决了许多问题,对于想要了解为什么加拿大外交政策方法的多样性在该学科内既必要又困难的学生和好奇者来说,这是一个很好的起点。