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The Millennial Antinostalgic: Yoav in Nadav Lapid’s Synonymes
CINEJ Cinema Journal Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.5195/cinej.2021.288
Jora Vaso

In contemporary, transnational exilic cinema exile an artist is made in an exilic journey. The 21st century journey departs from entirely opposite premises than those of the ancient journey, namely with the desire to escape one’s birthplace. The aim of the exile has also transformed: from a necessary step to secure one’s livelihood or even life, it has become one of exploration. Rather than the desire to settle elsewhere or to eventually return home, the exile sets on an open-ended, exploratory journey the premise of which is finding oneself. In this, the physical journey has come to resemble the metaphysical one of the artist. The exile departs from a physical place and journeys into a metaphysical space, geography becoming secondary while still being necessary. This journey is best recounted in the film Synonymes (2019) by Israeli director Nadav Lapid, an autobiographical tale that chronicles the director’s own exile from Israel to Paris and captures his journey toward becoming an artist. The paper references two prominently antinostalgic authors: 20th century Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz and Polsih-Jewish writer Henryk Grynberg.


千年反怀旧:Nadav Lapid 同义词中的 Yoav

在当代,跨国流放电影流放中,艺术家是在流放之旅中制作的。21 世纪的旅程与古代旅程的出发点完全相反,即渴望逃离自己的出生地。流放的目的也发生了变化:从保障生计甚至生命的必要步骤,变成了探索。流放者并没有渴望在别处定居或最终返回家园,而是开始了一场开放式的探索之旅,其前提是找到自己。在这方面,物理之旅变得类似于艺术家的形而上学之旅。流放者离开一个物理的地方,进入一个形而上的空间,地理成为次要的,但仍然是必要的。以色列导演纳达夫·拉皮德 (Nadav Lapid) 的电影《同义词》(Synonymes) (2019) 对这段旅程进行了最好的讲述,这是一部自传故事,记录了导演自己从以色列流亡到巴黎的历程,并记录了他成为艺术家的历程。该论文引用了两位著名的反怀旧作家:20 世纪的波兰作家 Witold Gombrowicz 和波兰犹太作家 Henryk Grynberg。