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The Responses and Attitudes of the University of Nottingham Students toward Learning Styles
Arab World English Journal Pub Date : 2022-03-24 , DOI: 10.24093/awej/vol13no1.26
Pawan Asghar Talib

This research was carried out to add to the current literature on learning styles by explaining various understandings of the topic and the previous research on it. Studies and information on learning styles and strategies are abundant, and the need for more research stems from the recent move towards student-centered classes. This paper is an attempt to do more specific research on the subject and answer the question of what the correlations are between learning styles and different factors such as gender and learner’s cultural background. This study was conducted at the University of Nottingham. Seventy students have participated in the survey, 34 males and 36 females. The participants’ nationalities were mixed, which was essential for the study; Kurdish (20%), British (40%), European States (10%) and Asian (17.1%). The questionnaire results were analysed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. Frequency tests, Correlation analysis, T-Tests, and One-way ANOVA test of the available data were studied. The findings show that Kurdish learners are auditory learners compared to other nationalities. Also, the study showed that language learners are more visually inclined learners than learners from the other majors. Finally, future researchers may expand on the findings of this paper by getting a larger sample.



进行这项研究是为了通过解释对该主题的各种理解和先前的研究来增加当前有关学习风格的文献。关于学习方式和策略的研究和信息非常丰富,而对更多研究的需求源于最近转向以学生为中心的课程。本文试图对该主题进行更具体的研究,并回答学习风格与性别和学习者文化背景等不同因素之间的相关性问题。这项研究是在诺丁汉大学进行的。70名学生参加了调查,其中男生34人,女生36人。参与者的国籍是混合的,这对研究至关重要;库尔德人(20%)、英国人(40%)、欧洲国家(10%)和亚洲人(17.1%)。问卷结果采用IBM SPSS Statistics 21软件进行分析。研究了可用数据的频率检验、相关分析、T 检验和单因素方差分析检验。研究结果表明,与其他民族相比,库尔德学习者是听觉学习者。此外,研究表明,语言学习者比其他专业的学习者更倾向于视觉学习。最后,未来的研究人员可能会通过获得更大的样本来扩展本文的发现。研究表明,语言学习者比其他专业的学习者更倾向于视觉学习。最后,未来的研究人员可能会通过获得更大的样本来扩展本文的发现。研究表明,语言学习者比其他专业的学习者更倾向于视觉学习。最后,未来的研究人员可能会通过获得更大的样本来扩展本文的发现。