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Enforcing L2 Learner Autonomy in Higher Education: The Top 50 Cited Articles
Journal of Language and Education Pub Date : 2021-09-30 , DOI: 10.17323/jle.2021.13194
Lilia Raitskaya , Natalia Mekeko , Elena Golubovskaya

Learner autonomy as both a pre-condition of self-efficacy and higher achievements in learning and an essential learning outcome has been in the highlight in the higher education domain for many years. This review aims to single out the most influential publications (with 10 citations or more) on foreign language and L2 learner autonomy in tertiary education in the highly reputed journals indexed with the Scopus database, with the publication period limited to the last ten years (2011-2020). The key findings show that the top 50 cited articles on learner autonomy broadly cover conceptual development; self-efficacy and motivation within the learner autonomy concept; educational technologies and web-based activities in fostering learner autonomy; country-specific issues of learner autonomy as the prevailing directions of study in the field of learner autonomy.


在高等教育中实施 L2 学习者自治:前 50 篇被引文章

学习者自主性作为自我效能感和更高学习成就的前提条件和重要的学习成果,多年来一直是高等教育领域的热点。本综述旨在挑选出被 Scopus 数据库收录的知名期刊中关于外语和二语学习者自主性的最有影响力的出版物(被引用 10 次或以上),出版期限限于最近十年(2011 年) -2020)。主要发现表明,关于学习者自主性的前 50 篇被引用文章广泛涵盖了概念发展;学习者自主概念中的自我效能和动机;促进学习者自主性的教育技术和网络活动;