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Tonal peaks in the spontaneous speech of vantage level Hungarian learners of Spanish
Acta Linguistica Academica ( IF 0.690 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-21 , DOI: 10.1556/2062.2021.00436
Kata Baditzné Pálvölgyi 1

Abstract This paper reports on a two-part research project, conducted in order to see how Hungarian learners with at least vantage level of Spanish realize melodic peaks in their Spanish utterances. First, we are focusing on the tonal and distributional characteristics of melodic peaks, taking into consideration the proportion of the rise in f0 with respect to the previous syllable and examining if the affected syllable is lexically stressed. Second, the range of the tonal rise until the first peak of the utterance is analyzed. The method applied in both cases is Cantero Serena’s Prosodic Analysis of Speech (2019), which represents intonation by objectively comparable standardized melodic curves. The differences found in the speech of Hungarian learners as compared to native Spanish speakers have not proved to be significant in the aspects analyzed here. The main finding of the research is that native Spanish speakers tend to realize the first peak of their declarative sentences as the highest f0 point of the utterance, whereas this is less typical in the oral production of Hungarian learners of Spanish.



摘要 本文报道了一个由两部分组成的研究项目,该项目旨在了解具有至少高级西班牙语水平的匈牙利学习者如何在他们的西班牙语话语中实现旋律高峰。首先,我们关注旋律峰的音调和分布特征,考虑 f0 相对于前一个音节的上升比例,并检查受影响的音节是否在词汇上重读。其次,分析音调上升到话语的第一个峰值的范围。在这两种情况下应用的方法是 Cantero Serena 的 Prosodic Analysis of Speech (2019),它通过客观可比的标准化旋律曲线表示语调。与以西班牙语为母语的人相比,匈牙利学习者的演讲中发现的差异在此处分析的方面并不显着。该研究的主要发现是,以西班牙语为母语的人倾向于将其陈述句的第一个峰值视为话语的最高 f0 点,而这在匈牙利西班牙语学习者的口语生产中并不常见。