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Living with the spiral: a duoethnographic perspective
British Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.179 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0265051721000322
Lis McCullough 1 , John Finney 2

AbstractThe authors of this article met on a Master of Arts (MA) music education course a month before the Swanwick Tillman Sequence of Musical Development was published. The course was a portal to an exciting range of literature, with the Swanwick Tillman spiral providing a long-term source of discussion and reflection as our careers have diverged and converged over the intervening years. This paper takes the form of a duoethnographic conversation in which we summarise and reflect on that ongoing synergistic discussion, showing the influence the spiral has had within our particular situations.



摘要本文的作者在 Swanwick Tillman Sequence of Musical Development 出版前一个月参加了艺术硕士 (MA) 音乐教育课程。该课程是通往一系列令人兴奋的文学作品的门户,随着我们的职业生涯在这些年中分道扬镳,Swanwick Tillman 螺旋提供了一个长期的讨论和反思来源。本文采用双民族志对话的形式,我们在其中总结和反思正在进行的协同讨论,展示螺旋在我们特定情况下的影响。