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Implementation of Interdisciplinary Health Technologies as Active Learning Strategies in the Classroom: A Course Redesign
Psychology Learning & Teaching Pub Date : 2022-04-04 , DOI: 10.1177/14757257221090643
Guido G Urizar 1 , Karissa Miller 1

The number of health psychology courses offered in higher education institutions has dramatically increased over the past 30 years. Health psychology courses provide students a unique opportunity to learn about important public health issues and health disparities affecting our society from a biopsychosocial perspective. Prior research indicates that students taking these courses, many of whom are non-biology majors, often report feeling anxious about learning the underlying biological mechanisms that affect health outcomes, particularly as they relate to stress and disease. Therefore, innovative teaching strategies, such as the use of active learning approaches, are needed to promote student confidence and engagement in learning these interdisciplinary models of health. Despite rapid advancements and innovations in health technologies, few health psychology courses have integrated these technologies as a modality of active learning. This article describes the implementation of health technologies (e.g., biosensors, biofeedback equipment, wearable technologies) as an active learning modality and innovative teaching approach to promote student engagement and learning outcomes in an undergraduate health psychology course taught in the U.S. Eighty students from a minority-serving university participated in this pilot course redesign. Student responses to the use of health technologies in their course were very positive. A description of the course curriculum is provided and results from student responses and feedback are presented. Implications and recommendations for implementing these technologies and pedagogies in future health courses are also discussed, including university support for sustaining these high impact teaching practices.



在过去 30 年中,高等教育机构开设的健康心理学课程数量急剧增加。健康心理学课程为学生提供了一个独特的机会,从生物心理社会的角度了解影响我们社会的重要公共卫生问题和健康差异。先前的研究表明,参加这些课程的学生(其中许多是非生物学专业的学生)经常报告说,他们对学习影响健康结果的潜在生物学机制感到焦虑,尤其是当它们与压力和疾病有关时。因此,需要创新的教学策略,例如使用主动学习方法,以提高学生的信心和参与学习这些跨学科的健康模式。尽管卫生技术快速进步和创新,很少有健康心理学课程将这些技术整合为主动学习的方式。本文描述了健康技术(例如,生物传感器、生物反馈设备、可穿戴技术)的实施,作为一种主动学习模式和创新教学方法,以促进在美国教授的本科健康心理学课程中的学生参与度和学习成果 来自少数民族的八十名学生-服务大学参与了这次试点课程的重新设计。学生对在课程中使用卫生技术的反应非常积极。提供了课程大纲的描述,并展示了学生反应和反馈的结果。还讨论了在未来的健康课程中实施这些技术和教学法的影响和建议,