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Dynamic Parking Allocation Model in a Multidestination Multiple Parking Lot System
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-29 , DOI: 10.1109/mits.2022.3166788
Yan Wang 1 , Qun Chen 2

In a multidestination multiple parking lot system, multiple parking lots are available near a destination, and multiple destinations can be served by the same parking lot. The allocation of the parking demand of each destination to each parking lot is called the parking allocation problem . The factors that affect the driver’s parking choice are analyzed, including parking fees, parking space search time, and walking time. Considering the dynamic parking demand and drivers’ probabilistic choice of each parking lot and that the parking amount allocation during each time period must meet the capacity constraints of each parking lot, an equivalent mathematical programming model was established. The solution algorithm for the proposed model was proposed. A numerical example verified the proposed model, and the influences of dynamic parking charge on drivers’ parking choice and the balance of utilization among different parking lots were discussed. The proposed model can provide a basis for parking facility location optimization and dynamic parking pricing strategy.


