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Investigating Algorithmic Misconceptions in a Media Context: Source of a New Digital Divide?
Media and Communication ( IF 3.043 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-18 , DOI: 10.17645/mac.v9i4.4090
Brahim Zarouali , Natali Helberger , Claes H. De Vreese

Algorithms are widely used in our data-driven media landscape. Many misconceptions have arisen about how these algorithms work and what they can do. In this study, we conducted a large representative survey (<em>N</em> = 2,106) in the Netherlands to explore algorithmic misconceptions. Results showed that a significant part of the general population holds (multiple) misconceptions about algorithms in the media. We found that erroneous beliefs about algorithms are more common among (1) older people (vs. younger people), (2) lower-educated people (vs. higher-educated), and (3) women (vs. men). In addition, it was found that people who had no specific sources to inform themselves about algorithms, and those relying on their friends/family for information, were more likely to have algorithmic misconceptions. Conversely, media channels, school, and having one’s own (online) experiences were found to be sources associated with having fewer algorithmic misconceptions. Theoretical implications are formulated in the context of algorithmic awareness and the digital divide. Finally, societal implications are discussed, such as the need for algorithmic literacy initiatives.



算法广泛用于我们的数据驱动媒体领域。对于这些算法如何工作以及它们能做什么,人们产生了许多误解。在这项研究中,我们在荷兰进行了一项大型代表性调查 (<em>N</em> = 2,106),以探索算法上的误解。结果表明,很大一部分普通人群对媒体中的算法持有(多种)误解。我们发现,关于算法的错误信念在 (1) 老年人(与年轻人相比)、(2) 受教育程度较低的人(与受过高等教育的人)和 (3) 女性(与男性相比)中更为常见。此外,研究发现,没有特定来源了解算法的人,以及依赖朋友/家人获取信息的人,更有可能对算法产生误解。相反,媒体渠道,学校和拥有自己的(在线)经验被发现是与较少的算法误解相关的来源。理论意义是在算法意识和数字鸿沟的背景下制定的。最后,讨论了社会影响,例如对算法素养计划的需求。