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Multistatic Passive Radar Target Detection Under Uncalibrated Receivers With Direct-Path Interference
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-03 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2022.3171532
Amir Zaimbashi 1 , Maria Sabrina Greco 2

This article examines the multistatic passive radar target detection problem under uncalibrated receivers with direct-path interference. To this aim, we consider a passive multistatic radar consisting of several transmitters nonoverlapping in frequency with a common bandwidth and several spatially separated receivers without exploiting the reference channel. For uncalibrated, multichannel and multifrequency receivers and in the presence of direct-path interference signal, we model the target detection problem as a composite hypothesis testing problem and apply the Rao framework to obtain a closed-form test statistic. Monte Carlo simulation results are provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed Rao detector and compare it with several well-known passive radar target detection algorithms. The results show that the proposed detector significantly outperforms its counterparts for different multistatic configurations in terms of detection probability and false alarm regulation as well.



本文研究了具有直接路径干扰的未校准接收器下的多基地无源雷达目标检测问题。为此,我们考虑一种无源多基地雷达,该雷达由多个频率不重叠且具有公共带宽的发射器和多个空间分离的接收器组成,不使用参考信道。对于未校准的多通道和多频率接收器以及存在直接路径干扰信号,我们将目标检测问题建模为复合假设检验问题,并应用 Rao 框架来获得封闭形式的检验统计量。提供了蒙特卡罗仿真结果来说明所提出的 Rao 检测器的性能,并将其与几种著名的被动雷达目标检测算法进行比较。