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Enfranchisement as a Tool for Integration: The 1975 Extension of Voting Rights to Resident Aliens in Sweden
Immigrants & Minorities Pub Date : 2021-02-14 , DOI: 10.1080/02619288.2021.1877138
Martin Ericsson 1

ABSTRACT In 1975, Sweden extended voting rights in local elections to immigrants without Swedish citizenship (resident aliens). In this essay, motives behind the reform are analysed and it is argued that these were based on a wish to speed up the integration of immigrants rather than on normative ideas about the nature of democracy. In fact, the reform was seen as a part of the emerging Swedish integration policy of the 1970s. The discursive construction of ‘the immigrant’ was another important factor. Most immigrants at the time came from other Nordic countries, and politicians saw them as culturally similar to Swedes. However, this would change after the reform was enacted as Nordic labour immigration was superseded by non-European refugee immigration and the new asylum seekers were seen as more or less ‘different’ to Swedes. Domestic political arguments such as these, rather than philosophical arguments, shaped the outcome of the Swedish decisions regarding voting rights for resident aliens.


将选举权作为融入的工具:1975 年瑞典将投票权扩展至外籍居民

摘要 1975 年,瑞典将地方选举的投票权扩大到没有瑞典公民身份的移民(外籍居民)。本文分析了改革背后的动机,并认为这些动机是基于加快移民融合的愿望,而不是基于关于民主本质的规范性观念。事实上,改革被视为 1970 年代新兴的瑞典一体化政策的一部分。“移民”的话语建构是另一个重要因素。当时大多数移民来自其他北欧国家,政界人士认为他们在文化上与瑞典人相似。然而,随着北欧劳工移民被非欧洲难民移民所取代,并且新的寻求庇护者被视为或多或少与瑞典人“不同”,这种情况在改革实施后将会改变。