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Olive Oil Soap in the Holy Land: Background, Technology and a Newly Discovered Workshop in Jaffa
Industrial Archaeology Review Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03090728.2021.1854016
Yoav Arbel

ABSTRACT The production of soap made of potassium and olive oil is a centuries-old industrial tradition in the Holy Land. A popular local and export commodity, olive oil soap from the region was traded as far as Turkey, Yemen, the Sudan and the highly profitable markets of Egypt. Thriving in a land notorious for hygienic deficiencies, this industry reflects various aspects of the social and economic realities in the Holy Land under Ottoman and British Mandate rule. It was nearly eliminated in recent decades by the combined effect of modernisation, competition and conflict, with only two surviving workshops in Nablus preserving its methods and heritage. Textual and archaeological data shed light on early soap workshops in Jerusalem, while abandoned factories active until the end of the British Mandate in 1948 still stand in Lod, ‘Akko and Jaffa. A recently exposed olive oil soap workshop in Jaffa was found to include all the characteristic manufacturing installations. This discovery represents a significant addition to the surprisingly scant material testimonies to what for several centuries has been one of that city’s most renowned industries.



摘要 用钾和橄榄油生产肥皂是圣地数百年的工业传统。该地区的橄榄油肥皂是一种受欢迎的本地和出口商品,其交易远至土耳其、也门、苏丹和高利润的埃及市场。在一个因卫生缺陷而臭名昭著的土地上蓬勃发展,这个行业反映了奥斯曼帝国和英国托管统治下圣地社会和经济现实的各个方面。近几十年来,由于现代化、竞争和冲突的综合影响,它几乎被淘汰了,在纳布卢斯只有两个幸存的工作室保留了它的方法和遗产。文字和考古数据揭示了耶路撒冷早期的肥皂作坊,而在 1948 年英国委任统治结束前仍然活跃的废弃工厂仍然矗立在 Lod、'Akko 和 Jaffa。发现最近在雅法暴露的橄榄油肥皂车间包括所有具有特色的制造装置。这一发现代表了对几个世纪以来该市最著名的产业之一的惊人稀缺材料证词的重要补充。