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Reclaiming the public square in times of post-truth and platformisation: A crucial mission for public service media
European Journal of Communication ( IF 2.463 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1177/02673231211043181
Leen d’Haenens 1

Not limiting itself to the BBCmodel but taking a comparative, international approach, the pioneering work of Jay Blumler remains a moral compass for public service media, whether in comparing differing funding arrangements and their impact on the range of prime-time programmes (Blumler et al., 1986) or suggesting what should be done against the creeping erosion of a vulnerable genre such as homemade children’s programming (Blumler, 1993). Striking a balance between purity of intent and pragmatism, Blumler’s timely and compelling recommendations on the establishment of an ‘integrity-saving policy’ were visionary and still resonate with us. I refer here to his assertion that public broadcasters should explicitly and elaborately spell out the forms of services they intend to offer. He calls on them to set up monitoring systems – complete with performance criteria and ways of determining whether the objectives have been achieved – with a view to correcting the potential erosion of the values they uphold. In the Low Countries, for instance, this has materialised in a set of provisions laid down in a management agreement with the government as well as compliance checks from the media authority. In addition, a committee modelled after quality controls in higher education was set up in the Netherlands. Similarly, Blumler’s advice that any venture into commercial activities should pose a minimal threat to the broadcaster’s public mission has lost none of its value, especially in a time when public service media may be tempted to seize every commercial opportunity – whether it be exclusive sports rights or the choice of preferred partners – as a welcome addition to their severely squeezed budgets.



Jay Blumler 的开创性工作不仅限于 BBC 模式,而是采用比较国际化的方法,无论是比较不同的资金安排及其对黄金时段节目范围的影响,他的开创性工作仍然是公共服务媒体的道德指南针(Blumler 等人., 1986) 或建议应该采取什么措施来应对自制儿童节目等脆弱类型的逐渐侵蚀(Blumler, 1993)。在纯洁的意图和实用主义之间取得平衡,Blumler 及时而令人信服的关于建立“诚信保存政策”的建议具有远见卓识,至今仍引起我们的共鸣。我在这里指的是他的主张,即公共广播公司应该明确而详尽地说明他们打算提供的服务形式。他呼吁他们建立监控系统——完整的绩效标准和确定目标是否已实现的方法——以纠正他们所坚持的价值观可能受到的侵蚀。例如,在低地国家,这已在与政府的管理协议中规定的一系列条款以及媒体当局的合规检查中得到体现。此外,在荷兰成立了一个模仿高等教育质量控制的委员会。同样,布卢姆勒的建议是,任何商业活动的冒险都应该对广播公司的公共使命构成最小的威胁,但它并没有失去任何价值,