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Development on Indigenous Homelands and the Need to Get Back to Basics with Scoping: Is there Still "Unceded" Land in Northern Ontario, Canada, with Respect to Treaty No. 9 and its Adhesions?
International Indigenous Policy Journal Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2021.12.1.8551
Leonard Tsuji , Stephen Tsuji

Scoping includes the establishment of unambiguous spatial boundaries for a proposed development project (e.g., a treaty) and is especially important with respect to development on Indigenous homelands. Improper scoping leads to a flawed product, such as a flawed treaty or environmental impact assessment, by excluding stakeholders from the process. A comprehensive literature search was conducted to gather (and collate) printed and online material in relation to Treaty No. 9 and its Adhesions, as well as the Line-AB. We searched academic databases as well as the Library and Archives Canada. The examination of Treaty No. 9 and its Adhesions revealed that there is unceded land in each of four separate scenarios, which are related to the Line-AB and/or emergent land in Northern Ontario, Canada. Lastly, we present lessons learned from our case study. However, since each development initiative and each Indigenous Nation is unique, these suggestions should be taken as a bare minimum or starting point for the scoping process in relation to development projects on Indigenous homelands.


土著家园的发展和回归基本的范围界定的必要性:加拿大安大略省北部是否仍有“未割让”的土地,就第 9 号条约及其附件而言?

范围界定包括为拟议的发展项目(例如条约)建立明确的空间边界,这对于土著家园的发展尤为重要。通过将利益相关者排除在流程之外,不适当的范围界定会导致有缺陷的产品,例如有缺陷的条约或环境影响评估。进行了全面的文献检索,以收集(和整理)与第 9 号条约及其附件以及 Line-AB 相关的印刷和在线材料。我们搜索了学术数据库以及加拿大图书馆和档案馆。对第 9 号条约及其附件的审查表明,在与加拿大安大略省北部的 AB 线和/或新兴土地有关的四种不同情况下,每一种情况下都有未割让的土地。最后,我们介绍了从案例研究中吸取的经验教训。