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Losing Years Doing Time: Incarceration Exposure and Accelerated Biological Aging among African American Adults
Journal of Health and Social Behavior ( IF 5.179 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-30 , DOI: 10.1177/00221465211055925
Mark T. Berg , Ethan M. Rogers , Man-Kit Lei , Ronald Simons

Mass incarceration is a public health challenge, particularly among marginalized groups. Not only do prisons and jails serve as vectors for the transmission of infectious diseases, but the carceral experience also heightens risk for stress-related illnesses and premature mortality. Several important challenges confront this research. First, few studies account for selection effects resulting from preexisting health and behavioral propensities. Second, it is unclear whether hostile social interactions experienced while incarcerated affect the biological health of individuals. Third, this research often relies on self-reported indices rather than objective biomarkers. Self-reports suffer from biases of memory and do not assess predisease processes.


