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Rye cover crop and in-furrow fertilizer and fungicide impacts on corn optimum seeding rate and grain yield
European Journal of Agronomy ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2022.126529
Daniel J. Quinn, Hanna J. Poffenbarger, Chad D. Lee

Higher corn seeding rates and in-furrow fertilizer and fungicide combinations may be effective tools to overcome early-season corn (Zea mays L.) stress, stand reductions, and yield loss following a rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop (RCC). The objective of this research trial was to evaluate corn growth and yield response and optimum seeding rate requirement following a RCC and different in-furrow starter treatments. Trials were established at three Kentucky, USA locations (2017–20), 7 site-years to evaluate corn response to seeding rate (49,421–108,726 seeds ha-1) following a RCC and no cover crop, and in-furrow fertilizer (10-34-0) + fungicide (pyraclostrobin) and no in-furrow starter. At 2 of 3 locations, a RCC reduced corn V5 chlorophyll content and grain yield by 3.1% and 2.7%, respectively. The inclusion of an in-furrow starter failed to increase corn yield at any location and no interaction with a RCC was observed. Furthermore, an in-furrow starter reduced corn plant stand by 3.2% at 2 of 3 locations. At Lexington, quadratic regression analysis revealed that a higher corn agronomic optimum seeding rate (AOSR) and economic optimum seeding rate (EOSR) was required to maximize corn following a RCC compared to no cover crop. However, no significant stand loss was observed at this location. Overall, these results suggest that in-furrow fertilizer and fungicide do not ameliorate negative effects from a RCC and may cause negative impacts when applied simultaneously in-furrow. In addition, a higher corn AOSR and EOSR may be required following a RCC to maximize corn yield. However, because the effects of a RCC on AOSR were inconsistent among locations, further research may be required.



较高的玉米播种率和犁沟施肥和杀菌剂组合可能是克服早季玉米 ( Zea mays L.) 胁迫、林分减少和黑麦 ( Seale graine L.) 覆盖作物 (RCC)后产量损失的有效工具. 本研究试验的目的是评估碾压混凝土和不同的沟内起子处理后的玉米生长和产量反应以及最佳播种量要求。在美国肯塔基州的三个地点(2017-20 年)建立了 7 个地点年的试验,以评估玉米对播种率的反应(49,421-108,726 种子公顷-1) 采用碾压混凝土,无覆盖作物,沟施肥 (10-34-0) + 杀菌剂(唑菌胺酯),无沟施肥。在 3 个地点中的 2 个,RCC 将玉米 V5 叶绿素含量和谷物产量分别降低了 3.1% 和 2.7%。加入沟内起子未能增加任何位置的玉米产量,并且没有观察到与 RCC 的相互作用。此外,在 3 个地点中的 2 个,犁沟内起子使玉米植株减少了 3.2%。在列克星敦,二次回归分析表明,与无覆盖作物相比,RCC 后的玉米需要更高的玉米农艺最佳播种率 (AOSR) 和经济最佳播种率 (EOSR)。然而,在该位置没有观察到明显的林分损失。全面的,这些结果表明,沟施肥和杀真菌剂不能改善碾压混凝土的负面影响,并且在沟施同时施用时可能会造成负面影响。此外,RCC 之后可能需要更高的玉米 AOSR 和 EOSR 以最大限度地提高玉米产量。然而,由于 RCC 对 AOSR 的影响在不同地点之间不一致,因此可能需要进一步研究。
