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The frame of Nigerian sex trafficking between internal and external usurpers: A qualitative research through the gaze of the female Nigerian cultural mediators
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies Pub Date : 2022-05-26 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1759
Francesca Tessitore 1 , Marica Gallo 2 , Mauro Cozzolino 1 , Giorgia Margherita 2

The present qualitative study, through a psychoanalytic and culturally sensitive lens, aims at shedding light on the representations of the Nigerian sexual trafficking phenomenon and on the peculiarities of the relationship with trafficked women, from the perspective of five Nigerian female cultural mediators who work in the field of anti-trafficking. A semi-structured interview was developed and analyzed according to the principles of the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis-IPA. On the background of a complex process of construction of borders between the Self and the Other, the findings show that the complexity of the cultural mediation work is higher with trafficked women due to the similarities in terms of gender, ethnic, and cultural identities. These similarities produce continuous oscillatory movements between identification/dis-identification, confusion/differentiation, and admiration/envy. Sexual trafficking emerges as a complex chain folded over itself made by a succession of internal and external usurpers, which mutually reinforces one another, worsening the mental health of migrant women and exacerbating their vulnerabilities. The findings show the need to build thinking spaces specifically directed to the female cultural mediators who work with trafficked women in order to protect them from the risk of vicarious trauma as well as to promote an awareness about the complexities involved in their work. The possibility to understand human and sexual trafficking on a deeper level allows the planning of more person-centered clinical interventions, which can take care of women's well-being as well as prevent the high and very frequent risk of dropping out.



目前的定性研究,通过精神分析和文化敏感的镜头,旨在从五名在尼日利亚工作的女性文化调解员的角度阐明尼日利亚性贩运现象的表现以及与被贩运妇女关系的特殊性反人口贩卖领域。根据解释现象学分析-IPA 的原则开发和分析半结构化访谈。在自我与他者边界构建过程复杂的背景下,研究结果表明,由于性别、种族和文化认同方面的相似性,被拐卖妇女的文化调解工作的复杂性更高。这些相似性在认同/反认同、困惑/分化和钦佩/嫉妒之间产生持续的振荡运动。性贩运是一个复杂的链条,由一连串的内部和外部篡夺者自行折叠而成,相互加强,恶化了移徙妇女的心理健康并加剧了她们的脆弱性。调查结果表明,需要建立专门针对与被贩运妇女打交道的女性文化调解员的思考空间,以保护她们免受替代性创伤的风险,并提高对其工作复杂性的认识。在更深层次上了解人口和性贩运的可能性允许规划更多以人为本的临床干预措施,这可以照顾妇女的