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Information search behavior at the post-purchase stage of the customer journey
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 18.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-022-00864-9
Cristiane Pizzutti , Renata Gonçalves , Maura Ferreira

Customer journey models consider information search behavior only at the pre-purchase stage, yet consumers search for information after purchasing. This paper updates customer journey models by integrating two different streams of research—customer journey and post-decision information search (PDIS)—and examining information search as a valuable consumer response and managerial element of the journey. Findings from a multimethod approach, in-depth interviews and a longitudinal survey, reveal that consumers can engage in PDIS in the pre- and post-consumption phases for different reasons such as to maximize the utility of a purchase, reduce choice uncertainty or regret, and/or satisfy curiosity about a purchase and pre-purchase information search behavior. The findings also indicate that consumers prefer customer-initiated touchpoints for PDIS behavior. The importance of PDIS is reinforced by its positive relationships with customer engagement, word-of-mouth and repurchase intentions. This article provides important managerial insights for dealing with PDIS in the customer journey.



客户旅程模型仅在购买前阶段考虑信息搜索行为,而消费者在购买后搜索信息。本文通过整合两个不同的研究流——客户旅程和决策后信息搜索 (PDIS) 来更新客户旅程模型,并将信息搜索作为有价值的消费者响应和旅程的管理元素进行检查。多方法方法、深入访谈和纵向调查的结果表明,消费者可以出于不同的原因在消费前和消费后阶段参与 PDIS,例如最大化购买效用、减少选择不确定性或后悔、和/或满足对购买和购买前信息搜索行为的好奇心。调查结果还表明,消费者更喜欢客户发起的 PDIS 行为接触点。PDIS 的重要性因其与客户参与、口碑和回购意图的积极关系而得到加强。本文提供了在客户旅程中处理 PDIS 的重要管理见解。
