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Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Assessing context, process, and critiques
Griffith Law Review Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10383441.2020.1868282
David B. MacDonald 1

Abstract The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada was a post-judicial exercise in truth telling after seven generations of residential schooling for Indigenous children. I outline some of the strengths and weaknesses of the process and engage with a range of critiques from settler and Indigenous academics and theorists. Section One covers the lengthy process of Survivors to seek redress for their experiences. Section Two covers the judicial processes that preceded the TRC. Section Three focuses on the TRC, and some of its strengths and weaknesses through three distinct but slightly overlapping lenses. I engage with settler critics who argue that the TRC was either too pro-Survivor, too anti-state, anti-school, and anti-church. I contrast this with Indigenous critiques from the resurgence school who saw the TRC as too close to government. I conclude with the transformative reconciliation school, advanced by Indigenous and settler academics working together to take the best aspects of the TRC and apply them.



摘要 加拿大真相与和解委员会 (TRC) 是在为土著儿童接受七代寄宿学校教育之后进行的一项司法后真相活动。我概述了该过程的一些优势和劣势,并参与了来自定居者和土著学者和理论家的一系列批评。第一节涵盖了幸存者为他们的经历寻求补救的漫长过程。第二节涵盖了真相与和解委员会之前的司法程序。第三部分通过三个不同但略有重叠的镜头关注 TRC,以及它的一些优势和劣势。我与那些认为 TRC 要么太亲幸存者、太反国家、反学校和反教会的定居者批评者接触。我将此与复兴学校的土著批评进行了对比,他们认为 TRC 过于接近政府。最后,我以变革性的和解学校结束,该学校由土著和定居者学者共同推动,以利用 TRC 的最佳方面并加以应用。