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Intimacy, Zoom Tango and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Anthropology in Action Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2020.270214
Jonathan Skinner 1

This is a personal reflection reacting and responding to the COVID-19 global pandemic and the domestication and on-lining of physical leisure pursuit. In Anthony Giddens’ The Transformation of Intimacy, there is the suggestion that the condition of the plastic is one ‘decentred’ and ‘freed from the needs of reproduction’. Giddens was writing generally about sexuality and the physical labour of reproduction, but this suggestion warrants wider exploration, particularly when Giddens concludes his argument with the suggestion that intimacy and democracy are ideally implicated in each other: autonomy of the self and open conditions of association as preconditions for establishing his reflexive project of the self. This personal reflection develops this suggestion by looking at two creative responses to the pandemic lockdown as socially distanced tennis and Zoom tango become tactics for living with the unexpected, for coping with isolation, for retaining and returning to an everyday.


亲密关系、Zoom Tango 和 COVID-19 大流行

这是对 COVID-19 全球大流行以及体育休闲追求的驯化和上线做出反应和回应的个人反思。在 Anthony Giddens 的《亲密关系的转变》中,有人暗示塑料的状况是“去中心化的”并且“摆脱了繁殖的需要”。吉登斯写的是关于性和生殖的体力劳动的文章,但这一建议值得更广泛的探索,特别是当吉登斯以亲密和民主理想地相互牵连的建议结束他的论点时:自我的自主性和开放的结社条件作为建立他的自我反思计划的先决条件。