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Viral Intimacy and Catholic Nationalist Political Economy
Anthropology in Action Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2020.270309
David Whyte 1

Changes in the conduct and regulation of intimacy during the COVID-19 crisis in the Republic of Ireland has uncovered the legacy of Catholic nationalism in Irish capitalism. Many commentators analysed the increased welfarism and community service provision as the suspension of Irish neoliberalism. In fact, the Irish COVID-19 response is shaped by a longer tradition of political and economic approaches that have their genesis in the revolutionary Catholic state following independence from Britain. Based on ethnography of community development practices in a rural Irish region, the article describes how Catholic nationalist influences are present in the collection of institutions involved in the Community Response and its approach to spatial organisation. The governance of the response also sheds light on a lack of intimacy between citizen and state that is not only the product of neoliberal structural adjustments but is uniquely characteristic of the Catholic ethos that influences Irish capitalism.



爱尔兰共和国 COVID-19 危机期间亲密行为和监管的变化揭示了天主教民族主义在爱尔兰资本主义中的遗留问题。许多评论员将增加的福利主义和社区服务提供分析为爱尔兰新自由主义的暂停。事实上,爱尔兰对 COVID-19 的反应是由长期的政治和经济方法传统所塑造的,这些方法起源于从英国独立后的革命性天主教国家。本文基于爱尔兰农村地区社区发展实践的民族志,描述了天主教民族主义影响如何存在于参与社区响应的机构集合及其空间组织方法中。